Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wow what a week!

Leih Hou!! Oh my gosh it has been one crazy week! I don't even know where to begin. Well first of all, i have missed a lot of class because of the singing practices and then the performances! It was an incredible experience but definitely a sacrifice. The first performance was for President Monson, Erying, Utchdorf, and then all 9 apostles were there except I think Elder Packer, Cook, and Oaks. The room was full of mission presidents and general authorities and i saw julie b beck on the first row and President Samualson and all these people. We were in the small little chapel rooms and stood directly infront of the apostles and prophet on the stand. Like 5 feet away! There are about 38 of us and we all scrunched in a tight pile so the camera is a close up on us the whole time. I was able to hold my emotions in while we sang precious savior dear redeemer but then right after the loud powerful part where we split into six parts i lost it completely. But i couldn't wipe my tears or anything and i couldn't sing really until the last amen. i just sat there with tears streaming down my face but i just couldn't hold the emotions in. my body was shaking and the spirit had filled the entire room. They funny thing is we didn't even sing it that well. we sang it MUCH better times before. But just because the spirit was so strong, it was so special. As I walked out I looked at the first presidency and Pres. Erying and Utchdorf were just looking over smiling. Then Elder Holland with tears in his eyes gave us the silent applause. We performed the next few days for when Pres Utchdorf spoke and there were 7 apostles there and when Edler Hollan spoke and I think there were about 8 there for that. Then Friday night I was able to attend a special fireside with all the mission presidents and any other missionaries that could make it in. Elder Bednar spoke to us about being Preach My Gospel missionaries. It was really great! Edler Nelson, Ballard, Oaks, Anderson, Holland, and Scott were there. Oh I also saw Elder Anderson in the halls a couple of times when we were in the building that we sing in. Everytime he was with his wife and he'd say hi to me and walk by. On Sunday afternoon we were supposed to sing one last time for the special Mission pres. sacrament where pres Erying spoke at. Before we went in we were in our room practicing. Our director came in and right behind him walked in Elder Bednar and his wife! haha so cool! So we all walked over and talked to him. He told us how grateful they all were for our talents and that we performed in a humble way. He told a funny story about how pres hinckely started a meeting early and the director wasn't there yet so Elder Ballard announced Elder Bednar would direct the music. Before they started he went up and said, "I'm going to wave my arm down like this and that's when you come in" so he did it and immediately sat down. Hahaha he said the one time his wife tried to teach his kids and him how to lead at FHE (using straws as the little wands) he turned it into a spit waud fight! hahaha kind of sounds like something dad would do :) haha just kidding but i thought that was so funny! Then he asked us where we were serving! I got to tell him I was going to Hong kong. He asked if I was speaking mandirine or cantonese and I told him Cantonese. Then he said he was there four weeks ago (which we were all totally bummed about cause were barely missed him!) and that I would need to fix anything that he may have messed up hahaa oh I just love the apostles personalities! So back to our performing. To make a long story short they forgot to announce us so we didn't get to sing. They let us watch the talk next door where our practice room was and once the meeting ended we decided to all circle up and sing Joseph Smith's first prayer, which was what we were supposed to perform, acapella. We began to sing with doors open and slowly mission presidents and wives started peeping their heads in and started coming in to listen. We never sounded so good and the spirit there was undescribable. We were all just crying and I know that the mission presidents could feel everything we felt. Then Our director came and apologized and then we asked if we could sing Precious Savior once last time. We sang it and had any couples that were listen on the outside to come in. The mission presidents were all in tears and one wife was even singing with us. It was such a special moment and I just know that those mission presidents have a big responsibility but are so willing to serve.

So guess what I got to do after that?! Well since the mission presidents were in the building where we usually have sacrament, we had combined sacrament meetings and our was with 15 branches. Guess who was the lucky missionary that got chosen out of all the missionaries to speak....yep, me. hahaha so mike and i both got to speak on sunday! My talk was on faith and I think it went ok. It didn't go exactly how I was planning but I hope that the spirit taught them something. I was surpised with how many people thanked me for it. I think it's partly because they're missionaries and pretty much obligated to be nice :) haha but some were very genuine and I really appreciated it. Ok as for my companions, I have two, Sister kelly from north ogden and sister burningham from salt lake. Sister burningham is korean! she knows Kade lyman from school too. She's quiet but really sweet and sister kelly is really spunky and sweet too haha they've been fun to have around!! Sorry this is so random i'm just trying to get my thoughts out quick! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE! And I'm soo excited to see you tomorrow! Everyone knows that you're coming and if any Cebuano speaking Elders attack you or anything (because they're hosting and know that you are coming) don't be alarmed. hahaha Oh and krystal, I am rocking the four-square. Actually, all the Elders think I'm evil because i have no mercy. I think they just notice things when a sister does it because if elders get them out they don't care. Anyway, it's hilarious and I'm pretty much obsessed. who would have thought?! haha ok well I have to go! But I love you all! Thanks for the package mom! it was a life saver! have fun in utah!

Kahm Ji Muih

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