Wednesday, August 24, 2011

salted cookies and sushi

It's hard believe I've been out a month! Time really does fly. This last week was pretty crazy! Let's see...on Thursday we visited Hoh Poh Po, a grandma that's in the hospital because of her back. She was a former investigator and now we are trying to visit her twice a week. She is the sweetest lady and she is so nice to me haha she always compliments me and smiles, she asks us to sit on the bed with her and everything! It's so funny. Our investigator Wendy is doing pretty well. She is so sweet and she came to church! She really enjoyed it too and gets along with the members like magic! She isn't reading the book of mormon though because she says she is too busy reading other things. We finished teaching her the restoration last night and really stressed that this isn't just any book. I think she knows that but she just needs to recognize that she knows. We showed her the restoration video and the spirit was really strong. I just want her to have the witness and testimony, to feel what i feel whenever I talk about or listen to Joseph's experience, but I have to remember to be patient. Everyone is different, everyone learns and grows at different paces. Kind of like with this language. You just can't ever just doesn't work that way. One of our investigators, Cherry who is 11, is doing well. She retains everything we teach her like nobodies business! I'm always in awe when she answers questions or teaches others things about the gospel. But she feels she's too young to be baptized. She's also an 11-year-old girl hahah you know how we can be at 11...pretty wild! haha we just hope and pray that she really strengthens her testimony and has that burning desire to be baptized. Another thing about coming out here and something i have learned is the Lord's timing is HUGE. Sometimes we blame ourselves for not teaching well enough, speaking well enough or whatever it may be because the person decides to ignore our phone calls and doesn't want to be baptized. But the Lord provides a way and he has a plan for each of us. When those people are prepared, they will be baptized.

Saturday our ward had an open house and it was phenomenal! It was really awesome. In the relief society room they had it all decorated and would teach about family history and whatnot, (they had activities in each room and you could win prizes) the primary room just had things to color for the kids, the young men's room had these cool games and activities that the young men or scouts built, in the young women's room they had music playing and the personal progress things set up and then they had beads for all the different values to make keychains. Any non-members that came, the members would teach them about what yw, ym, rs, whatever it was and they could do the activities. Upstairs in the cultural hall they had a mini talent show singing songs, primary kids signing songs, and so on and then dinner at the end. We basically taught lessons throughout it to anyone that wanted to learn more and it was pretty crazy! Luckily we had a summer missionary with us so we could go on splits! Our summer missionary, Maggie Ho, is AWESOME! I love her so much! We totally clicked and have had such a good time. She helps me with my Cantonese and I help her with her English. She is such a good missionary and knows so much about the gospel. She's only 16 but she says she would like to serve a full-time mission some day :) haha her brother is serving in Cali. I'm trying to convince her that byu-provo is the best plus I will be there in a few years, but we'll see what she ends up doing haha. She's just been a huge blessing this last week and I know that she was called to serve with us. I tell her about the US and how everyone drives cars and she's amazed! haha and how we have a pool! She loves swimming! I told her about our dogs and their personalities haha she thinks it's so funny and wants to visit our home someday haha. So this week has been crazy because we've been doing EEFY again! Mon we played games and taught lesson 1, and tuesday we set up an iron rod/ plan of salvation course in the church which was the! Each person went through and had to hold to the string. There were obstacles in the way and everything as well and then we had people trying to tempt. In one room we had Elder Smith with cookies and he would tell them they could try a little. The cookies were COVERED in salt haha let's just say there were some hilarious reactions. Then outside there was water (after eating the cookies being in the sun and all, that would feel quite refreshing!) But Elder Sutherland created some terrible tasting drink haha only one kid drank it and i have it on video haha so awesome. At the end we had ice cream and everyone seemed to enjoy the game! Then we taught lesson 2 and tied in the plan of salvation with the game. Yesterday we had two ladies from our ward come and teach us to make sushi (no raw meat though). I made and ate my first sushi roll haha I think it made me sick but I at least can say it tried now. I have pics that i'll send sometime soon. So Mulan is on our movie list and we get to watch it today!! Booo ya!There's nothing like watching Mulan in China! Am i right or am i right?

So i'll tell you quickly about where I live. It's in Kwun Tong and I'm right next to a huge market! I'm pretty sure I told you about it but it smells horrid. It's always busy and crowded and they sell a lot of food just on the streets. We don't have any buildings other than apartments around. The church in Kwun Tong is up on this hill and you have to walk up these steep stairs to get to it. It's a nice workout :) My church buidling in Po Lam is really nice. One of the nicer ones in Hong Kong. It has three stories, the bottom is the offices, classrooms, and baptistry, first floor is primary, ym, yw, rs, and chapel. and on the 2 floor is the cultural hall and kitchen. Good stuff! haha There are a lot of trees in my area and it's really beautiful. Not a touristy area. I think I mentioned that these people play chinese music each night in the park by the bus station so last night we went over and listened to a few songs. I really felt like I was in China :). A few more funny facts about Hong kong, the ambulances drive SUPER slow! ha kind of sad. I may have written this before too but if umberellas are out it's because it's sunny. if NO people are out it's because it's raining. It's so funny! You just grow to love the quirks of different cultures even if you don't always understand them. I am continuing to learn each day. The Lord is blessing me and I'm so grateful that I've had this opportunity to serve the Lord and these people. I have changed so much and I hope to continue to change. I have so much to work on still but I'm noticing my weaknesses and figure out ways I can strengthen them. But the only way that is possible is through the help of the Lord. I love you all and think of you often. Keep pressing forward! Add oil! Ga yauh!

Kahm Ji Muih

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