Wednesday, November 16, 2011
OK I just got your letters and read them. I already wrote this letter but I'm revising it a bit haha that's great Garrett is out on the mish! It's true, he will start falling in love with the work. It's just what happens; it becomes a part of who you are. So we just found out that we are moving apts into this cleaner but much smaller apt that is a lot further away from the Kwun Tong chapel and MTR station etc. but it's cheaper and we are all about saving money! It's funny because we have to move this next week and then the week after is moves so I'll just be living out of my suitcase since I will for sure move somewhere else other than Sis. Chinison's room. Another sister will be going home so she'll live out of her suitcase too! Party! Not sure where I'll be heading, but all the sisters here are amazing so I know wherever I go I'll be in good hands. So one thing I keep forgetting to tell you about is that people here speak Cantonese right? Well the cool thing to do when speaking Cantonese is to throw in random English words as you speak. It gets SO frustrating cause you are training your brain to listen to Cantonese and then all of the sudden this word is thrown in the mix and you swear you know it and it sounds so familiar and then you realize it's English and then you miss the whole next chunk of what they said! It's so funny haha and there are some words that they just don't use Chinese the word random haha but you have to say it with a Chinese accent. It’s pretty awesome.
Sis Chinison and I were so blessed and were able to teach a lot of lessons this week! We are still helping A-Choi and her sisters, helping build their testimonies and faith so that when their Dad permits, they will come to church and A-Choi will be baptized! As for now, we just pray and wait for his consent. We have been visiting families a lot and last night we visited a part member family, Lam Gatihng. The two younger daughters are baptized (Their uncle is in our ward and they go together to church) but the parents aren't. They have work on Sundays and usually can't make it. But when we visited them there was just a special spirit in their home. Heidi, the oldest daughter is the happiest person that you'll ever meet. She turns 12 next week and she's ALWAYS smiling and just so tender. I know that she's set such a good example for her family. We four missionaries (S. Chinison, Me, E. Lau, E. Herrick) talked to them about how the gospel blesses families and the spirit was just so strong! You can tell that the girls want them to have an eternal family! We challenged them to start saying family prayers everyday together and we'll continue to visit them. I just know how much this gospel sincerely and TRULY blesses families!! We also had a mission conference yesterday. They came out with a new curriculum for missionaries based on these 8 fundamental principles: (1) Doctrine of Christ (2) Revelation through the Holy Ghost (3) Revelation through prayer (4) revelation through Church attendance (5) revelation through the Book of Mormon (6) Teach People Not Lessons (7) We Invite, they commit, we follow Up (8) How to Begin Teaching. The zone leaders gave sharings about each principle and we did sih faahns (demonstrations) and discussed the principles and how we can use them to be more effective missionaries. It was AMAZING! I know that Pres. Chan and the Elders received revelation for each of us to be better missionaries. I realized that there is so much I need to change. So much more I need to sacrifice and so much more I can give. It really changed my perspective and strengthened my testimony more than I can ever describe. The AP's talked about how we are doing well but it's time to tighten the screws a bit and to really sacrifice everything, give ourselves completely to this work. I know that there is more I can sacrifice and more I can give. The China Hong Kong mission is AMAZING! The work is moving forward and we as missionaries are able to come together and compile ideas and skills that we each can develop to really become TRUE instruments in the Lords hands. Oh man, so good!! Well I love you all and I'm so grateful that you have taught me so much.
One more thing I want to share. Something really hit me while listening to the conference. Pres was talking about keeping the Sabbath Day Holy and it got me thinking about how blessed I am in my life. But sometimes I don't realize that certain blessings come because of obedience. Sometimes you think that keeping the Sabbath day holy will give you blessings that have to do with going to church, or keeping the law of tithe will bless you with things having to do with money. But I realized that maybe if I'm keeping the Sabbath day holy or keeping my baptismal commitments, etc, Heavenly Father will bless me with other things like a good friend or better health. I'm just using these things as an example and it might not make sense to you but I just know that as we are obedient to all commandments, we are also given so many different blessings! We just have to recognize them. Ok I love you!! ga yauh! Good luck with the Christmas decorations and have a good thanksgiving! We have a combined dinner next week with the whole mission and the fu fuh's will make the food for us! yesss!
Kahm Ji Muih
Friday, November 18, 2011
feih jo
Thursday, November 10, 2011,
So I've officially accumulated fat on my body other than my fingers! haha It's ok though cause I'm a sister missionary and everyone knows that sister missionaries gain weight! haha So I did the whole ankle checking thing with my nail and it definitely keeps a nail mark for a while. I've got problems but just don't have the time or the resources to figure them out haha as for now I'll just keep trying to eat fruit and veggies. However, I made the Mexican food that you gave me and HOLY COW best thing EVER! I still have some saved in the fridge and eating it sparingly. I'll proudly state that Chinese food is rubbing off on me. I honestly think I could eat any kind of meat or weird tasting drink now. I've tried so many weird things and haven't thrown up yet. I knew the Lord would bless me!! Who knows if it will last til after the mission though? It may just be one of those temporary strengths given to me hahaha. Wow, there has been some crazy news! Kaitlin Horne is married! So many people engaged! Scott and Collett?! No way haha and I’m still shocked that Kait is getting married! aghhh! haha Her fiance's great uncle is the office Elder here in Hong Kong. So Elder and Sister Kelser do all the Mission Office work. I had a feeling they were related to Dan Kelser (Kait’s fiancĂ©) and turns out he's Dan's dad's uncle. haha SMALL world! He said he found out over facebook that Dan is engaged. I was freaking out telling him that I haven't seen a picture of this Dan man and that he better be cool. Elder Kelser reassured that they are a good family which brought some peace to me hahaha also, remember Kaori Hansen, she is Ellie Hansen's sister, was Chelsea Heiner’s roommate and one of my friends from school? Half Japanese? Anyway, she married a guy Sam Wright who was in our ward at King Henry and his brother just got here! So crazy haha
So the week has been good. We have had a lot of stressful times but have noticed the miracles that the Lord has blessed us with. A-Choi's dad is really angry with the girls and won't let them come to church right now. But we are still able to see her and help her testimony continue to grow! We know that they are given this trial to strengthen and test their faith. We had an investigator that we couldn't get a hold of for about a month randomly call us and wanted to meet with us. We also had a former investigator randomly call us yesterday, Wendy. I think I mentioned her a ways back. She didn't want to see us b/c she was so busy and didn't want religion on top of all her stress. But she's friends with Pres. Chan and she's been going through A LOT lately. He told her that the only way to find peace and happiness is through the gospel. She called us yesterday and we saw her last night. I only got half of what is going on but my comp let me know more about her problems. They are pretty severe and she needs A LOT of help. It's scary but I know that as she gains a testimony of the Savior, she will also realize that it's only through this gospel that she can find that pure happiness.
I'm trying my best to love the people and the culture and as time goes on I can really feel my heart opening up. It's quite different but we Americans are quite different too haha. The people here have so many strengths that I lack and they teach me so much! I feel like I'm starting to be myself little by little (just b/c when you don't know how to speak to people, it's hard for them to understand your personality haha). We had exchanges this week and my comp was a bundeih who speaks pretty much no English haha it was SO good though. I felt bad because she's super energetic and hilarious but it she can't joke around with me like she can with fluent speakers haha but we talked a lot about her conversion story and our lives and why we chose to serve a mission and it was really good. I was able to understand most of what she said which gave me a little more confidence that I'm improving haha the biggest problem was trying to speak back but I’m just learning to throw things out there, even if it's telling people that I'm 11 years old (yeah--accidentally did that when we visited a family. haha hou chaam.) It lightens the mood and I'm able to make weird faces and whatnot. I still have so much to learn and so far to go but I'm learning to be VERY VERY patient haha. We have been sharing a lot of videos about the Atonement to investigators and every time I feel my appreciation and understanding of the atonement grow. As I read the scriptures I feel my mind is opening to new ideas and interpretations and now I'm just trying to APPLY all that I learn. I just need to remember to take one step at a time. We can't just expect to change everything all at once. I love you all so much and love getting your letters. They are such a support to me and really push me to work harder. I know that the Atonement is REAL! More real than we can comprehend! I’m trying my best to learn how to really apply it in my life and I hope that I can learn how to build other's faith and help them learn how to apply it as well. Thanks again for all that you do! Keep being the amazing examples that you are, Mom, let me know how your health is doing and if it's improving. I LOVE YOU! Ga yauh!
Kahm Ji Muih
PS So the stamp...well the carving is a little weird so one of the characters isn't really an 8 but it kinda looks like that. I'll write it down so you can see. But my name is Kahm Lohk Yih (Piano--Happy--Right). Piano isn't a common name, just used because it is close to Kiene? I don't know, everyone else has real Chinese family names but me and maybe like 2 other people hahaha anyway, I agree, the first scoop of peanut butter is the BEST! Don't be too excited about my's honestly still awful haha I speak so choppy and slow and yeah.... it's rough right now but it will improve slowly. :)
So I've officially accumulated fat on my body other than my fingers! haha It's ok though cause I'm a sister missionary and everyone knows that sister missionaries gain weight! haha So I did the whole ankle checking thing with my nail and it definitely keeps a nail mark for a while. I've got problems but just don't have the time or the resources to figure them out haha as for now I'll just keep trying to eat fruit and veggies. However, I made the Mexican food that you gave me and HOLY COW best thing EVER! I still have some saved in the fridge and eating it sparingly. I'll proudly state that Chinese food is rubbing off on me. I honestly think I could eat any kind of meat or weird tasting drink now. I've tried so many weird things and haven't thrown up yet. I knew the Lord would bless me!! Who knows if it will last til after the mission though? It may just be one of those temporary strengths given to me hahaha. Wow, there has been some crazy news! Kaitlin Horne is married! So many people engaged! Scott and Collett?! No way haha and I’m still shocked that Kait is getting married! aghhh! haha Her fiance's great uncle is the office Elder here in Hong Kong. So Elder and Sister Kelser do all the Mission Office work. I had a feeling they were related to Dan Kelser (Kait’s fiancĂ©) and turns out he's Dan's dad's uncle. haha SMALL world! He said he found out over facebook that Dan is engaged. I was freaking out telling him that I haven't seen a picture of this Dan man and that he better be cool. Elder Kelser reassured that they are a good family which brought some peace to me hahaha also, remember Kaori Hansen, she is Ellie Hansen's sister, was Chelsea Heiner’s roommate and one of my friends from school? Half Japanese? Anyway, she married a guy Sam Wright who was in our ward at King Henry and his brother just got here! So crazy haha
So the week has been good. We have had a lot of stressful times but have noticed the miracles that the Lord has blessed us with. A-Choi's dad is really angry with the girls and won't let them come to church right now. But we are still able to see her and help her testimony continue to grow! We know that they are given this trial to strengthen and test their faith. We had an investigator that we couldn't get a hold of for about a month randomly call us and wanted to meet with us. We also had a former investigator randomly call us yesterday, Wendy. I think I mentioned her a ways back. She didn't want to see us b/c she was so busy and didn't want religion on top of all her stress. But she's friends with Pres. Chan and she's been going through A LOT lately. He told her that the only way to find peace and happiness is through the gospel. She called us yesterday and we saw her last night. I only got half of what is going on but my comp let me know more about her problems. They are pretty severe and she needs A LOT of help. It's scary but I know that as she gains a testimony of the Savior, she will also realize that it's only through this gospel that she can find that pure happiness.
I'm trying my best to love the people and the culture and as time goes on I can really feel my heart opening up. It's quite different but we Americans are quite different too haha. The people here have so many strengths that I lack and they teach me so much! I feel like I'm starting to be myself little by little (just b/c when you don't know how to speak to people, it's hard for them to understand your personality haha). We had exchanges this week and my comp was a bundeih who speaks pretty much no English haha it was SO good though. I felt bad because she's super energetic and hilarious but it she can't joke around with me like she can with fluent speakers haha but we talked a lot about her conversion story and our lives and why we chose to serve a mission and it was really good. I was able to understand most of what she said which gave me a little more confidence that I'm improving haha the biggest problem was trying to speak back but I’m just learning to throw things out there, even if it's telling people that I'm 11 years old (yeah--accidentally did that when we visited a family. haha hou chaam.) It lightens the mood and I'm able to make weird faces and whatnot. I still have so much to learn and so far to go but I'm learning to be VERY VERY patient haha. We have been sharing a lot of videos about the Atonement to investigators and every time I feel my appreciation and understanding of the atonement grow. As I read the scriptures I feel my mind is opening to new ideas and interpretations and now I'm just trying to APPLY all that I learn. I just need to remember to take one step at a time. We can't just expect to change everything all at once. I love you all so much and love getting your letters. They are such a support to me and really push me to work harder. I know that the Atonement is REAL! More real than we can comprehend! I’m trying my best to learn how to really apply it in my life and I hope that I can learn how to build other's faith and help them learn how to apply it as well. Thanks again for all that you do! Keep being the amazing examples that you are, Mom, let me know how your health is doing and if it's improving. I LOVE YOU! Ga yauh!
Kahm Ji Muih
PS So the stamp...well the carving is a little weird so one of the characters isn't really an 8 but it kinda looks like that. I'll write it down so you can see. But my name is Kahm Lohk Yih (Piano--Happy--Right). Piano isn't a common name, just used because it is close to Kiene? I don't know, everyone else has real Chinese family names but me and maybe like 2 other people hahaha anyway, I agree, the first scoop of peanut butter is the BEST! Don't be too excited about my's honestly still awful haha I speak so choppy and slow and yeah.... it's rough right now but it will improve slowly. :)
Thursday, November 3, 2011, 12:35 AM
What a week!! My mission is insane. I wish I could remember all the weird things that happen but my brain can only handle so much right now haha first of all, Sis Chinison and I taught a crazy woman in the mall food court! That was exciting. We also taught a former investigator in McDonald's and in her closing prayer she asked that we would leave her alone because she's fine with her other church right now...hahaha gotta just laugh about the crazy things that happen here. (Oh and her son Frederick made these breaded balls with junks of squid inside covered in seaweed and mayo---WORST thing I've eaten here. I would take chicken feet over that stuff.) We've been doing a lot of finding as of lately because most of our investigators are students and the only time they're free is after school or weekends. We've also done more visiting families and sharing messages to pump them up for missionary work! We know that we may not see the results as quickly as we hope but I know that the members understand they have an important role in this work and they are going to try harder to be involved. A-Choi is progressing so much and has a date for Nov. 13! This is the family that has two sisters that are members and the other two sisters have dates. But the problem is she has a lot of family issues. Apparently their dad never knew that two of them were baptized and that they have been attending church etc. He doesn't like things that are ngoigwok (foreign) and if he knew about it he would be really upset. Their mom was the one that gave them permission in the beginning. Anyway, it's a really confusing story but they are going to talk to him this week about everything and so we've been fasting and praying that everything goes smoothly. I have no doubt in my mind that God can make anything happen if it's according to HIS timing and HIS will. My comp and I felt a lot of peace knowing that he can soften anyone's heart and that he is looking out for those sisters. I hope that A-Choi can be baptized! She is keeping all commitments and wants to follow the example of Christ. I trust that everything will work out how it's supposed to and that our prayers will be heard and will be answered. Maybe not when we want them to or think they should be answered, but they come.
We are continuing to press forward in the work and are really excited for this move. I don't know why but this last week I've just felt so much better. No, it's not because they language is coming quite yet, but I just feel my prayers being answered. I literally feel my Savior's love and I want other to feel that so badly! I am just pumped about this work and so grateful for the challenges because they push me to be harder. I'm learning to find TRUE Joy in the Journey. FAITH is everything---without faith I would be completely lost. I'm so grateful for everything that I have and that I can share it with so many that are searching for the truth! Ga yauh! Ngoh HOU ngoi leihdeih! Hope ya'll had a fabulous Halloween! They don't really celebrate it here but I wore a black skirt, green shirt, and purple cardigan and said that I was dressed as a witch ;) hahaha goood stuff! Mom!! I'm SOOO happy they found that booger! I am beyond excited and happy and hope that you can feel your body gaining its strength back. What a miracle!!! You are loved :)
Oh and I'm leaving Tseung Kwan O next move. Because my companion will be training here! So I'm not sure where I'll go or with whom but it will be an adventure!
PS I don't know if Kait has shouted this out but holy cow she's getting married! So soon! I knew it would happen. Tell her that I'll write her back soon and yes I had a freak out moment in the Indonesian email place that we're in right now but I’m excited for her and trust that this Dan guy that's replacing me is a good guy. Obviously not as good looking as me but it's all good! Could you just tell her I love her and congrats! I want pics asap.
What a week!! My mission is insane. I wish I could remember all the weird things that happen but my brain can only handle so much right now haha first of all, Sis Chinison and I taught a crazy woman in the mall food court! That was exciting. We also taught a former investigator in McDonald's and in her closing prayer she asked that we would leave her alone because she's fine with her other church right now...hahaha gotta just laugh about the crazy things that happen here. (Oh and her son Frederick made these breaded balls with junks of squid inside covered in seaweed and mayo---WORST thing I've eaten here. I would take chicken feet over that stuff.) We've been doing a lot of finding as of lately because most of our investigators are students and the only time they're free is after school or weekends. We've also done more visiting families and sharing messages to pump them up for missionary work! We know that we may not see the results as quickly as we hope but I know that the members understand they have an important role in this work and they are going to try harder to be involved. A-Choi is progressing so much and has a date for Nov. 13! This is the family that has two sisters that are members and the other two sisters have dates. But the problem is she has a lot of family issues. Apparently their dad never knew that two of them were baptized and that they have been attending church etc. He doesn't like things that are ngoigwok (foreign) and if he knew about it he would be really upset. Their mom was the one that gave them permission in the beginning. Anyway, it's a really confusing story but they are going to talk to him this week about everything and so we've been fasting and praying that everything goes smoothly. I have no doubt in my mind that God can make anything happen if it's according to HIS timing and HIS will. My comp and I felt a lot of peace knowing that he can soften anyone's heart and that he is looking out for those sisters. I hope that A-Choi can be baptized! She is keeping all commitments and wants to follow the example of Christ. I trust that everything will work out how it's supposed to and that our prayers will be heard and will be answered. Maybe not when we want them to or think they should be answered, but they come.
We are continuing to press forward in the work and are really excited for this move. I don't know why but this last week I've just felt so much better. No, it's not because they language is coming quite yet, but I just feel my prayers being answered. I literally feel my Savior's love and I want other to feel that so badly! I am just pumped about this work and so grateful for the challenges because they push me to be harder. I'm learning to find TRUE Joy in the Journey. FAITH is everything---without faith I would be completely lost. I'm so grateful for everything that I have and that I can share it with so many that are searching for the truth! Ga yauh! Ngoh HOU ngoi leihdeih! Hope ya'll had a fabulous Halloween! They don't really celebrate it here but I wore a black skirt, green shirt, and purple cardigan and said that I was dressed as a witch ;) hahaha goood stuff! Mom!! I'm SOOO happy they found that booger! I am beyond excited and happy and hope that you can feel your body gaining its strength back. What a miracle!!! You are loved :)
Oh and I'm leaving Tseung Kwan O next move. Because my companion will be training here! So I'm not sure where I'll go or with whom but it will be an adventure!
PS I don't know if Kait has shouted this out but holy cow she's getting married! So soon! I knew it would happen. Tell her that I'll write her back soon and yes I had a freak out moment in the Indonesian email place that we're in right now but I’m excited for her and trust that this Dan guy that's replacing me is a good guy. Obviously not as good looking as me but it's all good! Could you just tell her I love her and congrats! I want pics asap.
chicken foot!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
From: Sister Rachel Kiene
Yep, sure did! I ate a chicken foot this last week. We had yam chah (dim sum) and the Elders dared me to. You know me...I had to take advantage of this opportunity! I actually have a video of it. The nail was on it and everything. It was not tasty...just rubbery to be honest. Anyway, Dad you would be so proud because we eat out at members’ homes a lot trying to encourage them to do missionary work and I have eaten so much fish and shrimp. And mom, the medicine you sent me doesn't even taste bad to me haha I have drunk so much worse! It's kind of funny how that happens. I can't even explain what weird stuff I've eaten or drunk out here. It's all part of the growing experience right?! Well I think it's so amazing that you are in Asia right now with Krystal. Asia is quite different, and I'm sure Hong Kong is a lot different than Korea too, but it's all the same when you are trying to bring people closer to Christ. You may have to do things a bit differently, but it's all the same outcome. I don't know if I remember Sis. Nelson, I would have to see a pic but I think it's so funny that she also feared to go to Asia. I guess the Lord asks us to do hard things sometimes and it's hard when you are struggling in the moment, but I have experienced that it only makes me love Christ and his atonement more. That's who I have to rely on. He's my very best friend and I'm so grateful for all that he has done. So an Elder talked to me about how to better plan each day out here. It makes all the difference in the world knowing what you personal need to do to accomplish your personal goals. It gives you more drive and direction and helps you feel like you are progressing when, at the end of the day, you can tell Heavenly Father that with his help you were able to accomplish it! These little goals are helping me develop a precious relationship with my Heavenly Father. I talk to him a lot differently than before. I feel like I talk to him constantly and feel him around me often, even if it's when I'm feeling down at times. One quick story before I get kicked off! We planned to go finding on Saturday but I wanted to do something more creative. While in personal study I thought that we should just do a find in the MTR station in our area and would talk about families! I got super pumped, and then we headed out to find. We had hardly any success but I was determined to find someone! Finally as we were headed back to our church area I got on the train and walked up to a girl. We started talking and she was sooo sweet! Her name is Elaine. I showed her pics of our fam and she thought the jumping pic was awesome! haha she was super interested in me as a missionary and I started pulling out a pamphlet and as I pulled it out at the same time she asked if I had any info like a brochure about our church! That doesn't happen often here! Anyway, we were able to exchange numbers. She's busy, like just about everyone here, but I got that number that I knew I could find! It was so rewarding to have someone listen to me. Anyway, I know that the power of planning is real! I know that even planning where to find, how to find, and when is so important. I am so grateful for these tender mercies of the Lord! I love you all so much and I'm so grateful for your love and support. Mom thanks for the package. It made my day! I hope you enjoy Asia and have a fun Halloween. let me know how the "bring your friend to church day" goes at home in the ward.
From: Sister Rachel Kiene
Yep, sure did! I ate a chicken foot this last week. We had yam chah (dim sum) and the Elders dared me to. You know me...I had to take advantage of this opportunity! I actually have a video of it. The nail was on it and everything. It was not tasty...just rubbery to be honest. Anyway, Dad you would be so proud because we eat out at members’ homes a lot trying to encourage them to do missionary work and I have eaten so much fish and shrimp. And mom, the medicine you sent me doesn't even taste bad to me haha I have drunk so much worse! It's kind of funny how that happens. I can't even explain what weird stuff I've eaten or drunk out here. It's all part of the growing experience right?! Well I think it's so amazing that you are in Asia right now with Krystal. Asia is quite different, and I'm sure Hong Kong is a lot different than Korea too, but it's all the same when you are trying to bring people closer to Christ. You may have to do things a bit differently, but it's all the same outcome. I don't know if I remember Sis. Nelson, I would have to see a pic but I think it's so funny that she also feared to go to Asia. I guess the Lord asks us to do hard things sometimes and it's hard when you are struggling in the moment, but I have experienced that it only makes me love Christ and his atonement more. That's who I have to rely on. He's my very best friend and I'm so grateful for all that he has done. So an Elder talked to me about how to better plan each day out here. It makes all the difference in the world knowing what you personal need to do to accomplish your personal goals. It gives you more drive and direction and helps you feel like you are progressing when, at the end of the day, you can tell Heavenly Father that with his help you were able to accomplish it! These little goals are helping me develop a precious relationship with my Heavenly Father. I talk to him a lot differently than before. I feel like I talk to him constantly and feel him around me often, even if it's when I'm feeling down at times. One quick story before I get kicked off! We planned to go finding on Saturday but I wanted to do something more creative. While in personal study I thought that we should just do a find in the MTR station in our area and would talk about families! I got super pumped, and then we headed out to find. We had hardly any success but I was determined to find someone! Finally as we were headed back to our church area I got on the train and walked up to a girl. We started talking and she was sooo sweet! Her name is Elaine. I showed her pics of our fam and she thought the jumping pic was awesome! haha she was super interested in me as a missionary and I started pulling out a pamphlet and as I pulled it out at the same time she asked if I had any info like a brochure about our church! That doesn't happen often here! Anyway, we were able to exchange numbers. She's busy, like just about everyone here, but I got that number that I knew I could find! It was so rewarding to have someone listen to me. Anyway, I know that the power of planning is real! I know that even planning where to find, how to find, and when is so important. I am so grateful for these tender mercies of the Lord! I love you all so much and I'm so grateful for your love and support. Mom thanks for the package. It made my day! I hope you enjoy Asia and have a fun Halloween. let me know how the "bring your friend to church day" goes at home in the ward.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
From Rachel Kiene:
So one of the biggest highlights of the week was GENERAL CONFERENCE! I know this is super late news, but it's new to me. I could feel the love of all of you so much! Especially the sessions that Mom and Dad were at! The spirit just filled my heart. And Let me just tell you, conference as a missionary is like 70 bajillion times cooler than being...not a missionary (full-time that is haha). I can't even begin to describe the feelings I had while watching. I've never been so focused and never received so much guidance! The Lord is looking out for so many of us! We had investigators come and although it was a lot for them to take in, they were still able to see the prophet of God which is so special and so important! I loved so many talks and I wish I could write about all of them and express my feelings but I'll just share one which happened to be the first talk given by Richard G. Scott. He talked about the power of scriptures, memorizing scriptures, and also studying ALL the standard works. It's so true, we must take advantage of ALL the scripture we are given, both modern and old. I have been trying to study from the bible a little more and after I heard the talk I started reading from Matthew again. And the cool thing was that I was able to receive an answer to a prayer/question that I had prior to conference. The Lord works in mysterious ways, but he ALWAYS answers us!! I just feel that questions or thoughts or wonders that I have, I open my scriptures and then BAM, the answer is there. The scriptures help us build faith in Jesus Christ, they help us become better disciples, missionaries, teachers, family members, and friends. Continue to really study them and you will feel so much peace, receive so much guidance, and be filled with so much joy.
We've experienced so many miracles! An investigator GaGa, who we thought we'd never see after a "boring" (that's what she told us at least) experience at church, scheduled us again, went to conference, and we are seeing her AGAIN this Friday! So cool! Also, two girls Cherry and Christy (12 yrs old) who we've also been trying to see randomly showed up to our game night since their gym class was canceled for some random reason. WE were able to teach a lesson and then play some sports with them. They have helped me with my Chinese and I’ve help them with English. haha they are crazy but I love them!
Oh man, Hong Kong is just so awesome. One thing that I think is hilarious is that during relief society, instead of giving women a cute notebook and pen or a bag of candy or whatever for their birthday, they give a bottle of soy sauce :) haha. Well, it's been pretty rainy the last week, which is not on the Hong Kong people's favor, but I feel it's pretty refreshing. And we're still getting the work done! Rain or shine! They think we're crazy sometimes because we are out finding/contacting or still holding English class when it's pouring, but the Lord's work doesn't ever stop! Just like so many general authorities talked about in conference, we must be bold, we must tell people about Jesus Christ and what he can do for them! So many people need it! But we also need to be aware of the Lord's timing. It can be discouraging, but as we are patient, we will be blessed and we will have the capability to bless others too. Just like our Savior said, "not my will, but thane be done." Being patient isn't easy, but I fully trust that as we continue to exercise our faith and work, we can accomplish the will of God.
One last thing, we are doing a mini MTC this Saturday for two wards in the area and it should be really cool. We are trying to motivate the members to help us do missionary work. I know I've stressed this before, but MEMBERS or so important in missionary work! Missionaries can't do this alone! We need your help! I know you are all trying but just keep your eyes open for those opportunities to introduce people to the gospel. It can be old or new friends. That's the best way you can support the missionaries! I love you all and I'm so blessed to have you all in my life! Keep adding oil! Ga yauh!
Sis Kiene
PS Ashlyn is engaged?! and Is Lisa engaged too? Lisa's man and Ashlyn's man were companions?? Or Kelsey Bingham and Ashlyn’s? I was so confused! haha and Lex hatch is engaged? and Kaitlin Horne? and Tara’s having a boy?! haha all NEW news! but good stuff! I can't believe everyone is getting married. so nuts haha I haven't gotten the package yet cause I haven't been to the office but hopefully soon. thanks mom! love you!
From Rachel Kiene:
So one of the biggest highlights of the week was GENERAL CONFERENCE! I know this is super late news, but it's new to me. I could feel the love of all of you so much! Especially the sessions that Mom and Dad were at! The spirit just filled my heart. And Let me just tell you, conference as a missionary is like 70 bajillion times cooler than being...not a missionary (full-time that is haha). I can't even begin to describe the feelings I had while watching. I've never been so focused and never received so much guidance! The Lord is looking out for so many of us! We had investigators come and although it was a lot for them to take in, they were still able to see the prophet of God which is so special and so important! I loved so many talks and I wish I could write about all of them and express my feelings but I'll just share one which happened to be the first talk given by Richard G. Scott. He talked about the power of scriptures, memorizing scriptures, and also studying ALL the standard works. It's so true, we must take advantage of ALL the scripture we are given, both modern and old. I have been trying to study from the bible a little more and after I heard the talk I started reading from Matthew again. And the cool thing was that I was able to receive an answer to a prayer/question that I had prior to conference. The Lord works in mysterious ways, but he ALWAYS answers us!! I just feel that questions or thoughts or wonders that I have, I open my scriptures and then BAM, the answer is there. The scriptures help us build faith in Jesus Christ, they help us become better disciples, missionaries, teachers, family members, and friends. Continue to really study them and you will feel so much peace, receive so much guidance, and be filled with so much joy.
We've experienced so many miracles! An investigator GaGa, who we thought we'd never see after a "boring" (that's what she told us at least) experience at church, scheduled us again, went to conference, and we are seeing her AGAIN this Friday! So cool! Also, two girls Cherry and Christy (12 yrs old) who we've also been trying to see randomly showed up to our game night since their gym class was canceled for some random reason. WE were able to teach a lesson and then play some sports with them. They have helped me with my Chinese and I’ve help them with English. haha they are crazy but I love them!
Oh man, Hong Kong is just so awesome. One thing that I think is hilarious is that during relief society, instead of giving women a cute notebook and pen or a bag of candy or whatever for their birthday, they give a bottle of soy sauce :) haha. Well, it's been pretty rainy the last week, which is not on the Hong Kong people's favor, but I feel it's pretty refreshing. And we're still getting the work done! Rain or shine! They think we're crazy sometimes because we are out finding/contacting or still holding English class when it's pouring, but the Lord's work doesn't ever stop! Just like so many general authorities talked about in conference, we must be bold, we must tell people about Jesus Christ and what he can do for them! So many people need it! But we also need to be aware of the Lord's timing. It can be discouraging, but as we are patient, we will be blessed and we will have the capability to bless others too. Just like our Savior said, "not my will, but thane be done." Being patient isn't easy, but I fully trust that as we continue to exercise our faith and work, we can accomplish the will of God.
One last thing, we are doing a mini MTC this Saturday for two wards in the area and it should be really cool. We are trying to motivate the members to help us do missionary work. I know I've stressed this before, but MEMBERS or so important in missionary work! Missionaries can't do this alone! We need your help! I know you are all trying but just keep your eyes open for those opportunities to introduce people to the gospel. It can be old or new friends. That's the best way you can support the missionaries! I love you all and I'm so blessed to have you all in my life! Keep adding oil! Ga yauh!
Sis Kiene
PS Ashlyn is engaged?! and Is Lisa engaged too? Lisa's man and Ashlyn's man were companions?? Or Kelsey Bingham and Ashlyn’s? I was so confused! haha and Lex hatch is engaged? and Kaitlin Horne? and Tara’s having a boy?! haha all NEW news! but good stuff! I can't believe everyone is getting married. so nuts haha I haven't gotten the package yet cause I haven't been to the office but hopefully soon. thanks mom! love you!
Friday, October 7, 2011
thank you thank you do je mh goi sai!
I am sorry that I can't put a caption under each picture, but for some reason it is blocked. So the Kwun Tong District had summer missionaries. Kahn Ji Muih and Hoh Ji Muih (Maggie Ho) were companions and loved working together. Then THE STAIRS OF DEATH that lead to the Kwun Tong Chapel on top. And also Hong Kong Temple with Sister Kiene and Sister Kiene.




Thursday, October 6, 2011 12:00 AM
Thanks for the updates and letters and love and experiences and advice! Mom, I hope your knee gets better soon! That's funny you mentioned Kelsey Bingham cause I was just thinking about her the other day and wondering how she was doing! Oh man, everyone is just growin' up. so weird! haha sounds like you all had an amazing time at conference. I am SOOO excited to watch it on Sat and Sun! Seriously, it's like Christmas or something! When you are on your mission, General Conference is THAT much better! I think it's because it's something dear to my heart and it just gives me a feeling of peace and comfort. We have investigators planning on going too and I can't wait to hear what they think about everything our prophet, apostles, and church leaders have been guided and prompted to say. So those stories about Aurora and Ty are just classic! Those two crack me up! hahaha and I'm so glad to hear the good news about Jason's interview! Good luck!! I know that hard work and living in obedience with faith we can experience great miracles! I'm proud of him and Marilyn and their faith.
It's been a good week, we have been teaching a girl A-Choi (16) and her sisters are both members. I think I mentioned her before...anyway; her little sister who is 9 is also starting to take the lessons! They are really sweet and really good. I hope they keep progressing! they are coming to conference and they have been going to church and ward activities. yesterday, since it was a holiday, our ward had a BBQ in Tai Po. Haha, except BBQ's here are a lot different than at home. Everyone brings bags full of fish balls, chicken wings, random meats, and corn on the cob, bread, and then they all start cooking it all and then feeding it to everyone. haha good stuff! Oh so funny story...yeah since I still can hardly speak Cantonese, things like this happen all the time. So I was on the phone calling people from the potential investigator list and started talking to this kid named Zoe. I was telling him about us missionaries and about our church and then I was trying to tell him that this gospel could really bless his life but I accidently started saying this gospel could really bless his body hahaha I guess it technically could bless his body too but that's not what I meant. I quickly and embarrassingly corrected myself and hopefully my accent was thick enough that he didn't catch my mistake hehehe
Well I appreciate everything that you all have done for me and for your uplifting and encouraging words. We are all trying to work hard out here but we definitely need help finding those that are prepared to hear the message of the Restoration. We need the members to recognize their divine role and how important THEY are in this work. But we are pressing forward, praying for more love, more faith, and more patience each day. Applying what we teach to ourselves so that we can be better teachers and disciples of Christ. We had the opportunity to attend a temple session today and it was such a great experience. I learned so many valuable lessons that I hope I can apply better in my life. I also got to do initiatories after in Chinese and English. (Chinese is SOO fast!) It was pretty special. Anyway, this gospel is true and we need to try our best to live by its teachings and we will have true happiness! I LOVE YOU!
Kahm Ji Muih
PS Blue Bell?
Thursday, October 6, 2011 12:02 AM
Is it true that they sell Blue Bell in Utah now??




Thursday, October 6, 2011 12:00 AM
Thanks for the updates and letters and love and experiences and advice! Mom, I hope your knee gets better soon! That's funny you mentioned Kelsey Bingham cause I was just thinking about her the other day and wondering how she was doing! Oh man, everyone is just growin' up. so weird! haha sounds like you all had an amazing time at conference. I am SOOO excited to watch it on Sat and Sun! Seriously, it's like Christmas or something! When you are on your mission, General Conference is THAT much better! I think it's because it's something dear to my heart and it just gives me a feeling of peace and comfort. We have investigators planning on going too and I can't wait to hear what they think about everything our prophet, apostles, and church leaders have been guided and prompted to say. So those stories about Aurora and Ty are just classic! Those two crack me up! hahaha and I'm so glad to hear the good news about Jason's interview! Good luck!! I know that hard work and living in obedience with faith we can experience great miracles! I'm proud of him and Marilyn and their faith.
It's been a good week, we have been teaching a girl A-Choi (16) and her sisters are both members. I think I mentioned her before...anyway; her little sister who is 9 is also starting to take the lessons! They are really sweet and really good. I hope they keep progressing! they are coming to conference and they have been going to church and ward activities. yesterday, since it was a holiday, our ward had a BBQ in Tai Po. Haha, except BBQ's here are a lot different than at home. Everyone brings bags full of fish balls, chicken wings, random meats, and corn on the cob, bread, and then they all start cooking it all and then feeding it to everyone. haha good stuff! Oh so funny story...yeah since I still can hardly speak Cantonese, things like this happen all the time. So I was on the phone calling people from the potential investigator list and started talking to this kid named Zoe. I was telling him about us missionaries and about our church and then I was trying to tell him that this gospel could really bless his life but I accidently started saying this gospel could really bless his body hahaha I guess it technically could bless his body too but that's not what I meant. I quickly and embarrassingly corrected myself and hopefully my accent was thick enough that he didn't catch my mistake hehehe
Well I appreciate everything that you all have done for me and for your uplifting and encouraging words. We are all trying to work hard out here but we definitely need help finding those that are prepared to hear the message of the Restoration. We need the members to recognize their divine role and how important THEY are in this work. But we are pressing forward, praying for more love, more faith, and more patience each day. Applying what we teach to ourselves so that we can be better teachers and disciples of Christ. We had the opportunity to attend a temple session today and it was such a great experience. I learned so many valuable lessons that I hope I can apply better in my life. I also got to do initiatories after in Chinese and English. (Chinese is SOO fast!) It was pretty special. Anyway, this gospel is true and we need to try our best to live by its teachings and we will have true happiness! I LOVE YOU!
Kahm Ji Muih
PS Blue Bell?
Thursday, October 6, 2011 12:02 AM
Is it true that they sell Blue Bell in Utah now??
so much love! and I still don't like fish.



September 29, 2011
Man I got sent so much love this week! I love hearing from all of you and it's really interesting because although I'm a missionary across the entire world, we are all going through similar experiences. I guess that's just how life is. I'm SO happy that Garrett can stay on his mission. What a blessing. Keep me updated on that. I'm also glad to hear about the miracles about conference tickets and Dad's experience at the temple. That's such an amazing experience. Well a slightly sad temple experience for me is that today was my zone's temple day and we had to stay inside our apartment because of a #8 Typhoon! So frustrating! The temple even closes when it's that extreme. We didn't have any running water at first either. But maybe it was a blessing in disguise because I've been pretty sick the last little bit and maybe my body needed a break from walking so much. Not quite sure but hopefully we'll be able to go to the temple again soon! I'm sorry to hear that Mike had a rough week. I understand the feeling. I've learned out here to really seek and recognize those small things the Lord blesses us with, those tender mercies, those miracles. THOSE are what help us know we are on the right track and that we are doing what we need to be doing. One miracle we had this week: We are teaching these young girls who didn't make their baptismal date because they just weren't ready. Sybi is 12 and we were having a hard time keeping her interested and focused in the lesson. And as missionaries we felt that we were teaching lessons versus people. So we decided to read from the children Book of Mormon and act out Nephi retrieving the brass plates. They LOVED it! We discussed afterwards what we can learn and apply from it and Sybi talked about how it's important that we have faith in the Lord and he will help us. Then she said in her prayer that she was so grateful for the wonderful lesson and it was just so good. We did 24's on Monday and my comp was Sis Kelly (one of my comps in the MTC)! They let a toddler and baby run loose in Hong Kong! haha It wasn't too bad though. We had meetings and studies to do but I had to be in charge at correlation meeting and tell about all our investigators and it was pretty funny just because I wasn't sure how to say half the things. We tried contacting people while we traveled and no success but one lady did talk to us for a few minutes! That's better than nothing! We also had a crazy man come up to us on the MTR and he kept speaking Chenglish and said I looked like some celebrity and was trying to take pics of us on his phone. hahaha We just kept saying that we didn't want a picture and I was trying to hide from him! haha It sounds like we are the crazy ones but it was creepy and we were trying to be safe! Well I must say that I am so excited for General Conference. I have to wait a week after to watch but I'm just grateful I get to watch the whole thing! The brethren always have such amazing counsel to give us and I'm so grateful that we get to hear from them so soon! Well we are all working hard here in Hong Kong. It's not easy, but it's not really supposed to be. I do love this work and I am trying my best to understand and speak more. It's still very difficult and I fail quite often but I just have to pick myself up again and try again. There is so much I want to do help and it's not quite there because of the language barrier, but I know with Faith we can do anything! We are here to help people really develop a relationship with their Savior. There is just so much joy that comes from it and I wish that I could just hand it to everyone. But it doesn't work like that. There are special people that are prepared though and it's important that we always remain worthy so that we can be guided by the spirit to find them! And this is for EVERYONE! It doesn't say in the scriptures that only people wearing a skirt, wearing a white shirt and black slacks, wearing a black name tag declare repentance and do God's work...every member of the church should be actively seeking these opportunities! That's something that didn't hit me as much before the mission. Member work is VITAL! I hope you all pray for your own experiences and the Lord will bless you! I love you all! Thank you for your examples, your prayers, and your faith in me.
Kahm Ji Muih
Ngoh ngoi leihdeih!
forgot to put in letter!
Thursday, September 29, 2011 3:10 AM
forgot to mention that for one of the cheng out's we had FISH SOUP with octopus balls and all sorts of goods. yeah, I still don't like fish. I actually like Dad's salmon better! I miss fish sticks and tartar sauce! hahaha ok that is all :)
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
September 21, 2011
From: Sister Rachel Kiene
Leih hou ma!? So we had many miracles this week! And something I’ve realized more and more out here is that even very small things are HUGE miracles! A few miracles are on Saturday we planned for a few lessons and then one miracle lesson. Well turns out that for 2 of the planned ones we got fonged ('fong' is a term we use meaning they didn't show up haha) but a recent convert in the ward called us and said her sister wants to go to church and asked if we could meet with her later that day! We said of course! Except we had another lesson scheduled at the same time, so we had to split and have members be our companion. So I was with A-Sin and her sister A-Choi. They also have an older sister who is a member too, A-Saan, and she helped Sis. Chinison teach. Anyway, I had to teach this girl the first lesson alone and it was pretty nerve wracking! You'd think after two months of being in Hong Kong I would have everything down right? haha not quite. but I know I had a lot of help from Heavenly Father. A-Sin helped me so much too! She was such a blessing! Miracle number two...we had 4 people come to church!! And A-Choi was one of them. She is so humble and sweet and I really hope that she continues to learn more!! Another miracle we had was seeing a girl we contacted on the street, Mag. She is SO hard to contact and we finally were able to see her again! we watched the restoration video and she felt the spirit. she is very shy and quiet too but so sweet. I just know how much the gospel can bless all these people's lives and I wish they could see it too!! but it all comes with time. Another miracle was we had English class last night and afterwards we were putting the TV away from when we taught Mag. Two girls who are also hard to schedule, but like learning languages, asked why we had a TV and said they wanted to watch a movie! we told them it was the Restoration movie and if they wanted to watch it they could. they said yes hahaha and we thought they were joking! but they said they would and then after we had a really good discussion. They had no idea that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ were two different people. Sometimes you forget that even those small little things need to be taught. And although small and simple, they are all vital pieces of information that make up the amazing gospel. One more thing, we realized there is a CD player at the church so I brought the CD's you all sent me and we had a partially active Thai sister, Lam Ji Muih come so we could go over the lessons. Anyway, she hasn't been feeling well and she has had a lot of problems from the past..she went to a church that would play really loud harsh music and do weird things and she didn’t feel good when she went. anyway, it caused her to start taking medicine to sleep at nights. she's not taking medicine anymore but she has problems sleeping. so we put in jenny oaks baker's CD and sat and listened to a few songs. she said she never heard music like that before and really loved it! so we are going to try to get her some uplifting peaceful music. The power of music and the hymns is incredible!!
Sister Chinison and I get along really well. We are different in so many ways but when it comes to the gospel and what we want to achieve, we are exactly the same. We have a good time together and she is such a hard worker and good example to me. We experience opposition, like everyone does, because the work here can be harder at times, but we draw closer together as we try to uplift each other and work on becoming better missionaries. Things are going well and we have found many people that have so much potential!! We pray that their hearts will open more and more and their desires will increase! The gospel has changed my life in more ways than I could ever express, and the only way for others to understand is learning, growing, and experiencing for themselves!! I’m so grateful for the spirit and pray constantly that the people we teach will also recognize it. Well, love you all and hope everything is going well! Aubs is having a girl! woo hooo! So fun! Named after me of course ;) haha just jokes, Krystal survived the Philippines without disease...or so we think...Jason and Mar sound good and the girls are just growing up!! Mike sounds like he's working hard and enjoying everything, mom, hopefully you get my letter soon, I’ll send pics today and take care of your knee! Dad, thanks for the uplifting letters and everything. I love my family!! You have no idea how grateful and blessed I feel to have you as my parents and siblings! soo blessed!!
Kahm Lohk Yih Ji Muih
From: Sister Rachel Kiene
Leih hou ma!? So we had many miracles this week! And something I’ve realized more and more out here is that even very small things are HUGE miracles! A few miracles are on Saturday we planned for a few lessons and then one miracle lesson. Well turns out that for 2 of the planned ones we got fonged ('fong' is a term we use meaning they didn't show up haha) but a recent convert in the ward called us and said her sister wants to go to church and asked if we could meet with her later that day! We said of course! Except we had another lesson scheduled at the same time, so we had to split and have members be our companion. So I was with A-Sin and her sister A-Choi. They also have an older sister who is a member too, A-Saan, and she helped Sis. Chinison teach. Anyway, I had to teach this girl the first lesson alone and it was pretty nerve wracking! You'd think after two months of being in Hong Kong I would have everything down right? haha not quite. but I know I had a lot of help from Heavenly Father. A-Sin helped me so much too! She was such a blessing! Miracle number two...we had 4 people come to church!! And A-Choi was one of them. She is so humble and sweet and I really hope that she continues to learn more!! Another miracle we had was seeing a girl we contacted on the street, Mag. She is SO hard to contact and we finally were able to see her again! we watched the restoration video and she felt the spirit. she is very shy and quiet too but so sweet. I just know how much the gospel can bless all these people's lives and I wish they could see it too!! but it all comes with time. Another miracle was we had English class last night and afterwards we were putting the TV away from when we taught Mag. Two girls who are also hard to schedule, but like learning languages, asked why we had a TV and said they wanted to watch a movie! we told them it was the Restoration movie and if they wanted to watch it they could. they said yes hahaha and we thought they were joking! but they said they would and then after we had a really good discussion. They had no idea that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ were two different people. Sometimes you forget that even those small little things need to be taught. And although small and simple, they are all vital pieces of information that make up the amazing gospel. One more thing, we realized there is a CD player at the church so I brought the CD's you all sent me and we had a partially active Thai sister, Lam Ji Muih come so we could go over the lessons. Anyway, she hasn't been feeling well and she has had a lot of problems from the past..she went to a church that would play really loud harsh music and do weird things and she didn’t feel good when she went. anyway, it caused her to start taking medicine to sleep at nights. she's not taking medicine anymore but she has problems sleeping. so we put in jenny oaks baker's CD and sat and listened to a few songs. she said she never heard music like that before and really loved it! so we are going to try to get her some uplifting peaceful music. The power of music and the hymns is incredible!!
Sister Chinison and I get along really well. We are different in so many ways but when it comes to the gospel and what we want to achieve, we are exactly the same. We have a good time together and she is such a hard worker and good example to me. We experience opposition, like everyone does, because the work here can be harder at times, but we draw closer together as we try to uplift each other and work on becoming better missionaries. Things are going well and we have found many people that have so much potential!! We pray that their hearts will open more and more and their desires will increase! The gospel has changed my life in more ways than I could ever express, and the only way for others to understand is learning, growing, and experiencing for themselves!! I’m so grateful for the spirit and pray constantly that the people we teach will also recognize it. Well, love you all and hope everything is going well! Aubs is having a girl! woo hooo! So fun! Named after me of course ;) haha just jokes, Krystal survived the Philippines without disease...or so we think...Jason and Mar sound good and the girls are just growing up!! Mike sounds like he's working hard and enjoying everything, mom, hopefully you get my letter soon, I’ll send pics today and take care of your knee! Dad, thanks for the uplifting letters and everything. I love my family!! You have no idea how grateful and blessed I feel to have you as my parents and siblings! soo blessed!!
Kahm Lohk Yih Ji Muih
Come to Zion Come to Zion!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 7:55 PM
from: Sis. Rachel Kiene
What a week it has been! The new missionaries have come and it's fun seeing familiar faces! They are all doing really well and seem to be adjusting just fine. It's been yet ANOTHER roller coaster week :) haha it's so hard because we are constantly finding new investigators and losing others. My comp and I are trying to be patient and trying our best to help anyone we can. I totally understand how Mike feels when he says that they can't get people to come to church! there is one thing that Hong Kong and Montana have in common! haha sadly none of our investigators came :(. However, Sister Lam, the less active Thai sister came for the whole 3 hours! She is so good and so humble! She has been sick and so she asked if she could get a priesthood blessing. The bishop was able to interview and meet her since she just came from a different ward and then they were able to give her a blessing. As we shared our message she was just in tears the whole time. She has a strong testimony and the more and more we see her and the more she comes back to church she has been realizing how important the gospel is to her. Saturday we had our stake music night and the missionaries performed Israel Israel God is Calling! I have it on video hahaha our little duet at the beginning was alright. we were a little off but I don't think anyone cared! the other performances were HILARIOUS! There was a group that sang some English Spanish song! bahahaha then some other dances and songs and it just reminded me of William hung on American Idol :) haha they just have so much spirit and happiness when they sing and perform. it's so cute! I got a couple of them on video so no worries, you'll have a chance to see them!
We did a lot of finding this week! (Finding=contacting) Monday we had a zone find and we went on exchanges but each companionship had a different number and color. The number indicated how we were contacting the person, 1 lesson -2 lesson -3 lesson -testimony -word of wisdom -Joseph Smith- proclamation to the family- etc. The color was the color shirt they were wearing haha we do A LOT of finding here and so over time they have tried to be creative. So Sister Cecil (from Cedar City--she is going home next move) was my comp and our contacting weapon was our testimony and color was light blue. So as we traveled to our area and once we got there we were just chasing down anyone wearing light blue! it was pretty funny but at the same time we experienced so many miracles! one guy was on the MTR and he was pretty far down but since he was wearing blue we trekked over to him. His eyes were closed so we just said hello a few times and then he opened them and we began talking to him about the gospel! hahaha turns out he was a less active! but from a long time ago. he doesn't have a book of Mormon or anything anymore...not sure if he even remembers it much. so we got his name and number, gave him a book and told him that we were going to help him come back to church! James looks like he's maybe 28...turns out he's 19! haha so we told him he can even go on a mission still! he asked if mission are fun and of course we told him they are the BEST! We also met a lot of other really good people and some cute school girls in their light blue dresses that were willing to learn more! There were some elders that were near us also finding and their color was fuchsia haha well since that's not a super common color they were contacting pretty much anyone and one of the Elder's is a mandarin speaking so he was just finding anyone that knew mandarin. So as we headed back to the MTR to meet the other missionaries there was a woman walking with a little girl in a light blue dress! so we stopped her and talked to her for a bit and turns out she speaks Mandarin better than Cantonese! we told her there was a mandarin elder just back behind us that she could meet! so they met and exchanged numbers and it was awesome! and guess what, she was wearing fuchsia!! haha Some other elders were finding and their color was apple red. They said not a whole lot of people would listen to them and then they saw a guy walk out of the bread store wearing apple red so they darted over to him and I guess he's played soccer with other missionaries! haha it was just really cool and I don't know, I felt like the brother of Jared. We were telling God that we need to find a way to preach this gospel to them and he allowed us to come up with an inspired way of doing it. Some may think it sounded silly or funny, but it worked! The lord works in hysterical ways. But we have to be willing to act and to have faith in the work that we are doing!
Tuesday I had the opportunity to help the International Zone with statutories. International zone (except one companionship who works in the English branch) teaches the Philippine women in Hong Kong. whenever there is a big holiday (lunar moon festival and Tuesday! big holiday!) they get a day off. So the zone needs extra missionaries to go finding and teach lessons! so we all headed over in the morning to central/ worldwide and I had a member, Berna, help me! We just went up to tons of women and contacted as many people as we could! It's hard though because they ALL go to church and believe that it doesn't matter what religion you are because there is only one God and etc. But we did our best to help them and with the help of the Lord, were able to get quite a few numbers. Then after that we had a lesson with Daisy, a cute girl Sis Chinison and I contacted on the street last week. Now on the other end of the spectrum, she doesn't believe in God. It's just crazy how you deal with literally all sorts of people with all sorts of believes and you have to learn how to help each of them. We talked a lot about families and we really feel like she can learn so much and realize how much the gospel will bless her and her family! we'll see her again before Sunday and I pray that she will come to church!! We also did more contacting yesterday after visiting Hoh Poh Po our 80 year old investigator (who is coming to relief society activity on Saturday! yeah!) and at first we had no success. People see our tag and instantly run away. But we were able to teach a lesson to two sweet girls on the street! They just finished school and they were so nice! One is struggling in school so we taught about prayer and how it can really help her with her studies. Despite all the hard things that we've been going through like losing investigators or feeling like we are giving everything to help them and not seeing the results, we have been able to witness the tender mercies of the lord. Sis Chinison and I are learning and growing a lot together as we share our insights, thoughts, and feelings about everything we are experiencing and how we can become better teachers, missionaries, and representatives of Jesus Christ. I love this work. I am so grateful for everything God has given me. A family that loves me and supports me in all that I do, a family who also loves the gospel and as we all strive to live by its teachings, we become closer to not only our Savior, but each other! I love you all so much! Thank you for the package! it was soooo good! We roasted Starburst last night on our gas burner right before bed hehe and I’m exposing Hong Kong to REAL food like Fruit roll-ups! hahaha Mom, I sent you a letter last week and this week printed pics that I will send you! Hope you are enjoying Ohio and tell everyone hello! Send the girls my love! And the story about Ty and putting himself in time-out is hilarious! What a cutie. Thank you everyone for your support, love, and prayers. The language is slowly coming but I still need a lot of help! haha you all rock! Hello Grandma Peterson, Grandma Kiene and Grandpa Kiene! I love you all too!!
Sister Piano
from: Sis. Rachel Kiene
What a week it has been! The new missionaries have come and it's fun seeing familiar faces! They are all doing really well and seem to be adjusting just fine. It's been yet ANOTHER roller coaster week :) haha it's so hard because we are constantly finding new investigators and losing others. My comp and I are trying to be patient and trying our best to help anyone we can. I totally understand how Mike feels when he says that they can't get people to come to church! there is one thing that Hong Kong and Montana have in common! haha sadly none of our investigators came :(. However, Sister Lam, the less active Thai sister came for the whole 3 hours! She is so good and so humble! She has been sick and so she asked if she could get a priesthood blessing. The bishop was able to interview and meet her since she just came from a different ward and then they were able to give her a blessing. As we shared our message she was just in tears the whole time. She has a strong testimony and the more and more we see her and the more she comes back to church she has been realizing how important the gospel is to her. Saturday we had our stake music night and the missionaries performed Israel Israel God is Calling! I have it on video hahaha our little duet at the beginning was alright. we were a little off but I don't think anyone cared! the other performances were HILARIOUS! There was a group that sang some English Spanish song! bahahaha then some other dances and songs and it just reminded me of William hung on American Idol :) haha they just have so much spirit and happiness when they sing and perform. it's so cute! I got a couple of them on video so no worries, you'll have a chance to see them!
We did a lot of finding this week! (Finding=contacting) Monday we had a zone find and we went on exchanges but each companionship had a different number and color. The number indicated how we were contacting the person, 1 lesson -2 lesson -3 lesson -testimony -word of wisdom -Joseph Smith- proclamation to the family- etc. The color was the color shirt they were wearing haha we do A LOT of finding here and so over time they have tried to be creative. So Sister Cecil (from Cedar City--she is going home next move) was my comp and our contacting weapon was our testimony and color was light blue. So as we traveled to our area and once we got there we were just chasing down anyone wearing light blue! it was pretty funny but at the same time we experienced so many miracles! one guy was on the MTR and he was pretty far down but since he was wearing blue we trekked over to him. His eyes were closed so we just said hello a few times and then he opened them and we began talking to him about the gospel! hahaha turns out he was a less active! but from a long time ago. he doesn't have a book of Mormon or anything anymore...not sure if he even remembers it much. so we got his name and number, gave him a book and told him that we were going to help him come back to church! James looks like he's maybe 28...turns out he's 19! haha so we told him he can even go on a mission still! he asked if mission are fun and of course we told him they are the BEST! We also met a lot of other really good people and some cute school girls in their light blue dresses that were willing to learn more! There were some elders that were near us also finding and their color was fuchsia haha well since that's not a super common color they were contacting pretty much anyone and one of the Elder's is a mandarin speaking so he was just finding anyone that knew mandarin. So as we headed back to the MTR to meet the other missionaries there was a woman walking with a little girl in a light blue dress! so we stopped her and talked to her for a bit and turns out she speaks Mandarin better than Cantonese! we told her there was a mandarin elder just back behind us that she could meet! so they met and exchanged numbers and it was awesome! and guess what, she was wearing fuchsia!! haha Some other elders were finding and their color was apple red. They said not a whole lot of people would listen to them and then they saw a guy walk out of the bread store wearing apple red so they darted over to him and I guess he's played soccer with other missionaries! haha it was just really cool and I don't know, I felt like the brother of Jared. We were telling God that we need to find a way to preach this gospel to them and he allowed us to come up with an inspired way of doing it. Some may think it sounded silly or funny, but it worked! The lord works in hysterical ways. But we have to be willing to act and to have faith in the work that we are doing!
Tuesday I had the opportunity to help the International Zone with statutories. International zone (except one companionship who works in the English branch) teaches the Philippine women in Hong Kong. whenever there is a big holiday (lunar moon festival and Tuesday! big holiday!) they get a day off. So the zone needs extra missionaries to go finding and teach lessons! so we all headed over in the morning to central/ worldwide and I had a member, Berna, help me! We just went up to tons of women and contacted as many people as we could! It's hard though because they ALL go to church and believe that it doesn't matter what religion you are because there is only one God and etc. But we did our best to help them and with the help of the Lord, were able to get quite a few numbers. Then after that we had a lesson with Daisy, a cute girl Sis Chinison and I contacted on the street last week. Now on the other end of the spectrum, she doesn't believe in God. It's just crazy how you deal with literally all sorts of people with all sorts of believes and you have to learn how to help each of them. We talked a lot about families and we really feel like she can learn so much and realize how much the gospel will bless her and her family! we'll see her again before Sunday and I pray that she will come to church!! We also did more contacting yesterday after visiting Hoh Poh Po our 80 year old investigator (who is coming to relief society activity on Saturday! yeah!) and at first we had no success. People see our tag and instantly run away. But we were able to teach a lesson to two sweet girls on the street! They just finished school and they were so nice! One is struggling in school so we taught about prayer and how it can really help her with her studies. Despite all the hard things that we've been going through like losing investigators or feeling like we are giving everything to help them and not seeing the results, we have been able to witness the tender mercies of the lord. Sis Chinison and I are learning and growing a lot together as we share our insights, thoughts, and feelings about everything we are experiencing and how we can become better teachers, missionaries, and representatives of Jesus Christ. I love this work. I am so grateful for everything God has given me. A family that loves me and supports me in all that I do, a family who also loves the gospel and as we all strive to live by its teachings, we become closer to not only our Savior, but each other! I love you all so much! Thank you for the package! it was soooo good! We roasted Starburst last night on our gas burner right before bed hehe and I’m exposing Hong Kong to REAL food like Fruit roll-ups! hahaha Mom, I sent you a letter last week and this week printed pics that I will send you! Hope you are enjoying Ohio and tell everyone hello! Send the girls my love! And the story about Ty and putting himself in time-out is hilarious! What a cutie. Thank you everyone for your support, love, and prayers. The language is slowly coming but I still need a lot of help! haha you all rock! Hello Grandma Peterson, Grandma Kiene and Grandpa Kiene! I love you all too!!
Sister Piano
Monday, September 5, 2011
Week 5?? oh and early p-day!
August 31, 2011
So sorry! I forgot to tell you that we had p-day today (Wednesday) instead of Thursday this week. It is ONLY for this week though. I was wondering why I only got an email from dad and then realized that I was retarded and forgot to mention it. but I still want to know what's going on! Dad told me about Greg and Aubs Ragnar race and that is SO awesome! I'm so proud of them both! How did soccer go for them? Oh and WHAT IS AUBREY HAVING?!?! I'm dying to know and pretty sure she already knows by now. And what is her due date? January baby?!?! (represent!!) Anyway, it's been a great week! So we finished up EEFY and because it was in Kwun Tong and we serve in TKO we didn't get any new investigators from it. but we did have investigators come and Kwun Tong got 7 investigators! There was one guy that I started talking to, Tommy, and he was so good. I knew that he would be open to listening more about the gospel. He was in my group when I taught the first lesson and at the end we had them write down questions. He wrote, "Where was I before this life?" My face was beaming when I read those words! And I wasn't even going to teach him! (b/c he was in a diff area and he is a male. we can only teach males if there is also a female in the family listening to the missionaries) So Tommy is 26 and he said that he was getting of the MTR (the train) and was praying because he wanted to know more about his purpose in life. Then all of the sudden Elder Smith came up to him and gave him an EEFY flyer! He was really excited and felt that it was an answer to his prayer! Another girl Vicky who is 15, also received a flyer while walking. She and her mom showed up and I talked with them for a bit. Vicky was in my class for a few days and she was so good too! Afterwards she told us that she wanted to be baptized!! So amazing! She's also in Kwun Tong but it's just all so exciting! We also got to watch prince of Egypt and Mulan! (oh and before we joined to watch Mulan, we grabbed lunch and it started POURING! We ran back to the church with no umbrella and were completely drenched. The market has coverage so all the Hong Kong people just stayed under them and here were are sprinting around. everyone thought we were crazy!)
So our summer missionaries left us on Monday and it was pretty sad. I got really close with ours and it was sad to say goodbye but I will see her again, I can feel it! My listening has gotten a lot better but my speaking is still at the same spot. I’m learning a lot of patience though and it's all coming slowly. I'm being very blessed and noticing the small tender mercies of the Lord. Right now we are working with a lot of less active members and trying to help them strengthen their testimonies. There is little improvement which is better than none. One girl came to ALL of church for the first time this entire year! woohooo!! Our investigator Cherry's grandma came to church to see what it was about and it see why she talks about getting baptized. We talked with her and she is giving Cherry permission! but now cherry is nervous and scared. She's 11 and thinks she's too young and it's hard sometimes because she knows all the answers and understands everything but isn't willing to step forward with faith. it's something that has to develop with time and we are trying to be patient with her. It was super funny though because usually they kind of make fun of my Chinese and stuff because their kids and that's what kids do haha so we were teaching and reading from 2 Ne 32 and Cherry read the first verse, then Michelle (her member friend) the second verse, and then Sis. Chinison asked me to read the next verse and Michelle turns to me and says, "Jung Mahn!" which is 'Chinese'. haha usually what we'll do is just read in English and they'll read along in Chinese and vice versa. So anyway, I grab the Chinese scriptures from her and start reading it. You should have seen the look on their faces when I started reading this verse! Hahaha little did they know that that verse, 2 Ne 32:3 is the ONLY complete verse that I know in all the scriptures! Hahaha it was just so perfect! I just hope that they don't ask me to read something else another time :) haha.
We had a cheng out (where people treat us to dinner) last night and it was really good! I was nervous because apparently in the past Gwok Ji Muih will put frogs in the potatoes and whatnot. Anyway, we had chicken and veggies and taro and these peanut sauce on other vegetables and this yummy taro drink and fruit and shrimp rice and there was just SOO much food! She kept bringing out more and more and more and more! It was amazing and I was so full by the end! The Chinese people LOVE food. Food is how the show their love. They always offer whatever they have to anyone and everyone. And they feed you more and more whether you want it or not! They grab your bowls and just fill them up. At another cheng out they put blended tofu and fish in my bowl. I survived!! haha anyway, I gotta wrap this up but today for p-day we had a combined zone activity and hiked this mountain! the scenery was beautiful, we found a waterfall, and we walked through this old village in the middle of nowhere! I LOVED it! then we went to the beach and played football and Frisbee. I had my first squatter experience (not sure what they're called but the toilets that are holes in the ground) and I got super sweaty and I smell nasty. I share this with you because guess what...we have no running water til tonight! so I get to go to English class like this :) yummy! Anyway, things are amazing and good! I’m learning so much! we had members of the general Sunday school presidency and ym presidency come speak to us yesterday and they gave incredible advice and really boosted our spirits and fire! We are all ready to give all that we have and add oil! I love you all and pray that you are safe and healthy and doing well! I hope you know how much I love and appreciate all of you and my love for you and everyone in Hong Kong grows every day. Ga yauh!
Sis Kiene
So sorry! I forgot to tell you that we had p-day today (Wednesday) instead of Thursday this week. It is ONLY for this week though. I was wondering why I only got an email from dad and then realized that I was retarded and forgot to mention it. but I still want to know what's going on! Dad told me about Greg and Aubs Ragnar race and that is SO awesome! I'm so proud of them both! How did soccer go for them? Oh and WHAT IS AUBREY HAVING?!?! I'm dying to know and pretty sure she already knows by now. And what is her due date? January baby?!?! (represent!!) Anyway, it's been a great week! So we finished up EEFY and because it was in Kwun Tong and we serve in TKO we didn't get any new investigators from it. but we did have investigators come and Kwun Tong got 7 investigators! There was one guy that I started talking to, Tommy, and he was so good. I knew that he would be open to listening more about the gospel. He was in my group when I taught the first lesson and at the end we had them write down questions. He wrote, "Where was I before this life?" My face was beaming when I read those words! And I wasn't even going to teach him! (b/c he was in a diff area and he is a male. we can only teach males if there is also a female in the family listening to the missionaries) So Tommy is 26 and he said that he was getting of the MTR (the train) and was praying because he wanted to know more about his purpose in life. Then all of the sudden Elder Smith came up to him and gave him an EEFY flyer! He was really excited and felt that it was an answer to his prayer! Another girl Vicky who is 15, also received a flyer while walking. She and her mom showed up and I talked with them for a bit. Vicky was in my class for a few days and she was so good too! Afterwards she told us that she wanted to be baptized!! So amazing! She's also in Kwun Tong but it's just all so exciting! We also got to watch prince of Egypt and Mulan! (oh and before we joined to watch Mulan, we grabbed lunch and it started POURING! We ran back to the church with no umbrella and were completely drenched. The market has coverage so all the Hong Kong people just stayed under them and here were are sprinting around. everyone thought we were crazy!)
So our summer missionaries left us on Monday and it was pretty sad. I got really close with ours and it was sad to say goodbye but I will see her again, I can feel it! My listening has gotten a lot better but my speaking is still at the same spot. I’m learning a lot of patience though and it's all coming slowly. I'm being very blessed and noticing the small tender mercies of the Lord. Right now we are working with a lot of less active members and trying to help them strengthen their testimonies. There is little improvement which is better than none. One girl came to ALL of church for the first time this entire year! woohooo!! Our investigator Cherry's grandma came to church to see what it was about and it see why she talks about getting baptized. We talked with her and she is giving Cherry permission! but now cherry is nervous and scared. She's 11 and thinks she's too young and it's hard sometimes because she knows all the answers and understands everything but isn't willing to step forward with faith. it's something that has to develop with time and we are trying to be patient with her. It was super funny though because usually they kind of make fun of my Chinese and stuff because their kids and that's what kids do haha so we were teaching and reading from 2 Ne 32 and Cherry read the first verse, then Michelle (her member friend) the second verse, and then Sis. Chinison asked me to read the next verse and Michelle turns to me and says, "Jung Mahn!" which is 'Chinese'. haha usually what we'll do is just read in English and they'll read along in Chinese and vice versa. So anyway, I grab the Chinese scriptures from her and start reading it. You should have seen the look on their faces when I started reading this verse! Hahaha little did they know that that verse, 2 Ne 32:3 is the ONLY complete verse that I know in all the scriptures! Hahaha it was just so perfect! I just hope that they don't ask me to read something else another time :) haha.
We had a cheng out (where people treat us to dinner) last night and it was really good! I was nervous because apparently in the past Gwok Ji Muih will put frogs in the potatoes and whatnot. Anyway, we had chicken and veggies and taro and these peanut sauce on other vegetables and this yummy taro drink and fruit and shrimp rice and there was just SOO much food! She kept bringing out more and more and more and more! It was amazing and I was so full by the end! The Chinese people LOVE food. Food is how the show their love. They always offer whatever they have to anyone and everyone. And they feed you more and more whether you want it or not! They grab your bowls and just fill them up. At another cheng out they put blended tofu and fish in my bowl. I survived!! haha anyway, I gotta wrap this up but today for p-day we had a combined zone activity and hiked this mountain! the scenery was beautiful, we found a waterfall, and we walked through this old village in the middle of nowhere! I LOVED it! then we went to the beach and played football and Frisbee. I had my first squatter experience (not sure what they're called but the toilets that are holes in the ground) and I got super sweaty and I smell nasty. I share this with you because guess what...we have no running water til tonight! so I get to go to English class like this :) yummy! Anyway, things are amazing and good! I’m learning so much! we had members of the general Sunday school presidency and ym presidency come speak to us yesterday and they gave incredible advice and really boosted our spirits and fire! We are all ready to give all that we have and add oil! I love you all and pray that you are safe and healthy and doing well! I hope you know how much I love and appreciate all of you and my love for you and everyone in Hong Kong grows every day. Ga yauh!
Sis Kiene
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
salted cookies and sushi
It's hard believe I've been out a month! Time really does fly. This last week was pretty crazy! Let's see...on Thursday we visited Hoh Poh Po, a grandma that's in the hospital because of her back. She was a former investigator and now we are trying to visit her twice a week. She is the sweetest lady and she is so nice to me haha she always compliments me and smiles, she asks us to sit on the bed with her and everything! It's so funny. Our investigator Wendy is doing pretty well. She is so sweet and she came to church! She really enjoyed it too and gets along with the members like magic! She isn't reading the book of mormon though because she says she is too busy reading other things. We finished teaching her the restoration last night and really stressed that this isn't just any book. I think she knows that but she just needs to recognize that she knows. We showed her the restoration video and the spirit was really strong. I just want her to have the witness and testimony, to feel what i feel whenever I talk about or listen to Joseph's experience, but I have to remember to be patient. Everyone is different, everyone learns and grows at different paces. Kind of like with this language. You just can't ever just doesn't work that way. One of our investigators, Cherry who is 11, is doing well. She retains everything we teach her like nobodies business! I'm always in awe when she answers questions or teaches others things about the gospel. But she feels she's too young to be baptized. She's also an 11-year-old girl hahah you know how we can be at 11...pretty wild! haha we just hope and pray that she really strengthens her testimony and has that burning desire to be baptized. Another thing about coming out here and something i have learned is the Lord's timing is HUGE. Sometimes we blame ourselves for not teaching well enough, speaking well enough or whatever it may be because the person decides to ignore our phone calls and doesn't want to be baptized. But the Lord provides a way and he has a plan for each of us. When those people are prepared, they will be baptized.
Saturday our ward had an open house and it was phenomenal! It was really awesome. In the relief society room they had it all decorated and would teach about family history and whatnot, (they had activities in each room and you could win prizes) the primary room just had things to color for the kids, the young men's room had these cool games and activities that the young men or scouts built, in the young women's room they had music playing and the personal progress things set up and then they had beads for all the different values to make keychains. Any non-members that came, the members would teach them about what yw, ym, rs, whatever it was and they could do the activities. Upstairs in the cultural hall they had a mini talent show singing songs, primary kids signing songs, and so on and then dinner at the end. We basically taught lessons throughout it to anyone that wanted to learn more and it was pretty crazy! Luckily we had a summer missionary with us so we could go on splits! Our summer missionary, Maggie Ho, is AWESOME! I love her so much! We totally clicked and have had such a good time. She helps me with my Cantonese and I help her with her English. She is such a good missionary and knows so much about the gospel. She's only 16 but she says she would like to serve a full-time mission some day :) haha her brother is serving in Cali. I'm trying to convince her that byu-provo is the best plus I will be there in a few years, but we'll see what she ends up doing haha. She's just been a huge blessing this last week and I know that she was called to serve with us. I tell her about the US and how everyone drives cars and she's amazed! haha and how we have a pool! She loves swimming! I told her about our dogs and their personalities haha she thinks it's so funny and wants to visit our home someday haha. So this week has been crazy because we've been doing EEFY again! Mon we played games and taught lesson 1, and tuesday we set up an iron rod/ plan of salvation course in the church which was the! Each person went through and had to hold to the string. There were obstacles in the way and everything as well and then we had people trying to tempt. In one room we had Elder Smith with cookies and he would tell them they could try a little. The cookies were COVERED in salt haha let's just say there were some hilarious reactions. Then outside there was water (after eating the cookies being in the sun and all, that would feel quite refreshing!) But Elder Sutherland created some terrible tasting drink haha only one kid drank it and i have it on video haha so awesome. At the end we had ice cream and everyone seemed to enjoy the game! Then we taught lesson 2 and tied in the plan of salvation with the game. Yesterday we had two ladies from our ward come and teach us to make sushi (no raw meat though). I made and ate my first sushi roll haha I think it made me sick but I at least can say it tried now. I have pics that i'll send sometime soon. So Mulan is on our movie list and we get to watch it today!! Booo ya!There's nothing like watching Mulan in China! Am i right or am i right?
So i'll tell you quickly about where I live. It's in Kwun Tong and I'm right next to a huge market! I'm pretty sure I told you about it but it smells horrid. It's always busy and crowded and they sell a lot of food just on the streets. We don't have any buildings other than apartments around. The church in Kwun Tong is up on this hill and you have to walk up these steep stairs to get to it. It's a nice workout :) My church buidling in Po Lam is really nice. One of the nicer ones in Hong Kong. It has three stories, the bottom is the offices, classrooms, and baptistry, first floor is primary, ym, yw, rs, and chapel. and on the 2 floor is the cultural hall and kitchen. Good stuff! haha There are a lot of trees in my area and it's really beautiful. Not a touristy area. I think I mentioned that these people play chinese music each night in the park by the bus station so last night we went over and listened to a few songs. I really felt like I was in China :). A few more funny facts about Hong kong, the ambulances drive SUPER slow! ha kind of sad. I may have written this before too but if umberellas are out it's because it's sunny. if NO people are out it's because it's raining. It's so funny! You just grow to love the quirks of different cultures even if you don't always understand them. I am continuing to learn each day. The Lord is blessing me and I'm so grateful that I've had this opportunity to serve the Lord and these people. I have changed so much and I hope to continue to change. I have so much to work on still but I'm noticing my weaknesses and figure out ways I can strengthen them. But the only way that is possible is through the help of the Lord. I love you all and think of you often. Keep pressing forward! Add oil! Ga yauh!
Kahm Ji Muih
Saturday our ward had an open house and it was phenomenal! It was really awesome. In the relief society room they had it all decorated and would teach about family history and whatnot, (they had activities in each room and you could win prizes) the primary room just had things to color for the kids, the young men's room had these cool games and activities that the young men or scouts built, in the young women's room they had music playing and the personal progress things set up and then they had beads for all the different values to make keychains. Any non-members that came, the members would teach them about what yw, ym, rs, whatever it was and they could do the activities. Upstairs in the cultural hall they had a mini talent show singing songs, primary kids signing songs, and so on and then dinner at the end. We basically taught lessons throughout it to anyone that wanted to learn more and it was pretty crazy! Luckily we had a summer missionary with us so we could go on splits! Our summer missionary, Maggie Ho, is AWESOME! I love her so much! We totally clicked and have had such a good time. She helps me with my Cantonese and I help her with her English. She is such a good missionary and knows so much about the gospel. She's only 16 but she says she would like to serve a full-time mission some day :) haha her brother is serving in Cali. I'm trying to convince her that byu-provo is the best plus I will be there in a few years, but we'll see what she ends up doing haha. She's just been a huge blessing this last week and I know that she was called to serve with us. I tell her about the US and how everyone drives cars and she's amazed! haha and how we have a pool! She loves swimming! I told her about our dogs and their personalities haha she thinks it's so funny and wants to visit our home someday haha. So this week has been crazy because we've been doing EEFY again! Mon we played games and taught lesson 1, and tuesday we set up an iron rod/ plan of salvation course in the church which was the! Each person went through and had to hold to the string. There were obstacles in the way and everything as well and then we had people trying to tempt. In one room we had Elder Smith with cookies and he would tell them they could try a little. The cookies were COVERED in salt haha let's just say there were some hilarious reactions. Then outside there was water (after eating the cookies being in the sun and all, that would feel quite refreshing!) But Elder Sutherland created some terrible tasting drink haha only one kid drank it and i have it on video haha so awesome. At the end we had ice cream and everyone seemed to enjoy the game! Then we taught lesson 2 and tied in the plan of salvation with the game. Yesterday we had two ladies from our ward come and teach us to make sushi (no raw meat though). I made and ate my first sushi roll haha I think it made me sick but I at least can say it tried now. I have pics that i'll send sometime soon. So Mulan is on our movie list and we get to watch it today!! Booo ya!There's nothing like watching Mulan in China! Am i right or am i right?
So i'll tell you quickly about where I live. It's in Kwun Tong and I'm right next to a huge market! I'm pretty sure I told you about it but it smells horrid. It's always busy and crowded and they sell a lot of food just on the streets. We don't have any buildings other than apartments around. The church in Kwun Tong is up on this hill and you have to walk up these steep stairs to get to it. It's a nice workout :) My church buidling in Po Lam is really nice. One of the nicer ones in Hong Kong. It has three stories, the bottom is the offices, classrooms, and baptistry, first floor is primary, ym, yw, rs, and chapel. and on the 2 floor is the cultural hall and kitchen. Good stuff! haha There are a lot of trees in my area and it's really beautiful. Not a touristy area. I think I mentioned that these people play chinese music each night in the park by the bus station so last night we went over and listened to a few songs. I really felt like I was in China :). A few more funny facts about Hong kong, the ambulances drive SUPER slow! ha kind of sad. I may have written this before too but if umberellas are out it's because it's sunny. if NO people are out it's because it's raining. It's so funny! You just grow to love the quirks of different cultures even if you don't always understand them. I am continuing to learn each day. The Lord is blessing me and I'm so grateful that I've had this opportunity to serve the Lord and these people. I have changed so much and I hope to continue to change. I have so much to work on still but I'm noticing my weaknesses and figure out ways I can strengthen them. But the only way that is possible is through the help of the Lord. I love you all and think of you often. Keep pressing forward! Add oil! Ga yauh!
Kahm Ji Muih
Thursday, August 18, 2011
another week bites the dust!
I just wanted to add this note which helps explain Rachel's email. Krystal, Rach's older sister, has been working in South Korea and she had planned to go to Hong Kong way before Rachel got her call. So during her summer vacation from teaching, she planned a trip to Hong Kong. She packed up a bunch of "westerner" food that she had, filling her suitcase to the brim and took it to her starving sister, dropping it off at Rach's mission office that is located across the street from the Hong Kong Temple. Krystal actually had so much, she had to make two trips to the office and decided to go to the temple the second time. She had arrive early in the waiting area for the next session and had closed her eyes to ponder and pray. Her prayer was a sweet, simple prayer telling Heavenly Father that it was okay that she didn't get to see Rachel (it's not allowed in the mission) but that she was thankful for the opportunity to be there in the same city with Rachel and she could feel a bonding closeness and a sweet spirit. During her prayer she could hear people also entering the chapel area and sitting next to her. In the back of her mind she was curious why the person next to her sat so close to her (invading her personnal bubble). When she finished and opened her eyes, looking at the person sitting there and it was Rachel. Rachel was there with her whole zone for the very first time. It was a sweet tender mercy for Krystal and Rachel for they love each other so much. There is not a better place in the world to bump into your missionary sister than serving in the House of the Lord. So that is the story. It is sweet and brings tears to my eyes everytime I tell it. Love Mama Kiene
I can't believe how fast time flies!! It's out of control. I swear I was just writing home! hahaha well let's see, last week I did run into Krystal at the temple! I didn't feel guilty because it was a complete coincidence; I just made sure others knew it was too. Everyone was super cool about it and it was a special experience. We didn't talk much but it was still great! So last week we visited a family (S. Chinison, Me, E. Lau, E. Smith----we are all the missionaries over our area Tseung Kwan O) in our ward. It's a woman and her nine year old daughter Angel, who is absolutely adorable and super shy. We all got to know each other for a bit and then I shared a brief message. When we were getting ready to leave she said she had some food for us haha she pulled out a bowl of beautiful plums! I was so excited! Then she pulled out a bag that had what it looked like to me, as Elvis bread from Lord of the Rings hahaha! Well it was something wrapped in a bamboo leaf. We all open them up and inside were something she made out of a rice paste and red beans inside. S. Chinison and E. Lau are Chinese so they ate it without hesitation. E. Smith and I slowly nibbled on ours and pretty much focused all efforts we could produce to not throw up hahaha there is more to that story that I will have to share another time. I took a picture of the extras that she gave us. Anyway, the plum that followed was probably the best thing I've eaten since coming here! Haha oh I love experiences like this! And I'm not being sarcastic. They make me feel like I'm serving a mission. You always hear about the stories but actually experiencing them is so much cooler! So my zone (Hong Kong Island Zone) has been going on a lot of exchanges this move. We are the only zone in the mission that has more than 4 sisters, so we have a coordinating sister over all of us. She is required to go on 24's with each sister. So we have been playing musical chairs quite a bit! I have been able to serve on the Island near the Wan Chai chapel, which is absolutely beautiful! And Sister Cecil, the coordinating sister, came with me to Po Lam (TKO) this week. She is really cool, tall, white, and we get along really well! I met her cousin in the MTC and she said we were alike haha. She only has one move left though. The zone leaders said that our exchange theme was happiness and we had to capture that happiness via picture haha so we have some awesome pics that I'll send home sometime. Having correlation meeting in a child daycare facility, getting locked out of the chapel, haha good stuff. We also have an international zone that speaks English and works with the Philippian women. I was chosen to go on 24's with Sister Salenga and it was really cool! In the morning we went out finding and just contacted anyone that we could. Then we took a lady back to the church who turned out to be a less active! The Elders had a baptism at 11 so she and another investigator came for that and I visited with her a bit after. She has two children at home, and her son has Down's Syndrome. She is having a really hard time and cried quite a bit when I talked with her. But we just tried to comfort her and made sure that she understood that coming back to church would be the best thing for her. She knew that and I know she felt the spirit during the service. Because the women can't choose what day they want off, the church holds sacrament meeting from Tues-Sunday. So I went to sacrament meeting on Saturday! It is really amazing and special that the women have such a privilege.
The work in TKO is starting to pick up. My comp and I are working hard to find people, and we have made calls to past investigators and potential investigators and have set 3 appointments up from that. We have a few girls that have baptismal dates and we recently found out that Sybi (turned 12 today) may actually get permission from her parents to be baptized! That is one huge problem here. You'll find those that seem SO prepared to receive baptism and are stopped because they can't receive permission. It's sad, but at the same time, the Lord always provides a way. They will be baptized when they need to be. We have also been meeting with a woman, Wendy! She is also great! Last night we and a member Monica met with her. Monica and she clicked so well it was like magic! We planned on teaching the first lesson but it just led to the importance of attending church and what blessings come from baptism. I didn't understand a whole lot going on, but I knew that we needed to focus on those things. My companion and I were so happy afterwards because although we shared scripture and said things that were not planned, everything flowed so smoothly. We will meet with her again on Sat to help her with English and teach her a lesson and she said she would come to church! It's so hard getting people to commit to coming to church but it's so important! We have the opportunity to receive revelation, to reflect on the savior and his atonement, to renew our covenants, re-evaluate ourselves and our life, and become better. We partake of the sacrament which is so special and sacred. It's my prayer that the people here, especially those investigating the church can feel that. I'm out of time; I wish I could share more and more! But know that I love you all! I think about you every day! But I also know I'm supposed to be here. It's hard, but it's right. The language is difficult, but I know I can do it. It's taken me a bit to believe that, but I know I can. We have to go pick up our summer missionary (youth that will be our companion for a few weeks!) ga yauh! love you!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Thank you everyone else for your love, support, and prayers!
Happy Birthday Mamah!! I hope it's an AWESOME one (on Sunday of course). Ok I'm going to write this real quick! I don't have a lot of time but it's been another crazy but good week. I always experience things that I wish to share in the email but then when I actually get here I forget everything haha let's see...a few funny things...oh! People always put the toilet seats up AFTER they go to the restroom. And we're talking the women's restrooms here hahaha also, burping here is normal. Girls, boys, doesn't matter who are what you are, you can burp and not say anything after and it's like nothing ever happened hahaha I saw some pushes in the shape of characters which I thought was pretty cool! OH, so I agree with Krystal, the food here is not very good. At least not to me. Last p-day we went to a Korean bbq and it’s a buffet and you cook your own meat at the table and everything and it was SOO good. I have eaten a few good things here, but when I see fried chicken and duck with their heads still on it just makes me want to cry. Sometimes it's a mystery as to what I’m eating. The other day I thought I was eating sweet and sour pork and it was extra crunchy. So I was a little nervous as to whether it was really pork or I took a bite into another piece and it definitely had bones. I am still alive though!! And my body seems to be functioning alright so no worries! So my area is still going a little slowly...we have been going out finding and we did find a guy Dennis who actually saw the missionaries six years ago. We taught a lesson and then set up to meet with him again. We called and he kept his commitments and everything but we can't meet with him for another week or so because he's pretty busy. Plus, we have to turn him over to the elders anyway, but it's just cool to see someone that's receptive to us, at least for right now. The language... well I feel like I am understanding a little more but my speaking is not improving much...or even worse than before, but I’m making goals to speak more and really push myself. I had to bear my testimony in sacrament meeting in Cantonese and it was rough but I got through it haha I was emotional, nervous, and it was in the morning so I didn't sound too hot. But it's ok! I probably should have clarified that not only am I new to the ward but I’m new to Hong Kong! I had people going off and who knows what afterwards and I just starred at them blankly and then would start to laugh haha everyone is nice though, especially when they find out I’ve only been here 2 weeks haha. I have a lot to learn but it will all come slowly. Tuesday we had our annual mission tour and we meet with some of the area seventy and the mission president, their wives, etc., and we have a big conference for most of the day. There were musical numbers, talks, food, and then a bowl. In that bowl was all the missionaries’ names and they would draw out of it for people to speak hahahaha well the topic for the tour was recognizing the Spirit. And the Spirit told me clearly that I would be in the next group of random speakers. So when Elder Watson starred at the paper and paused I knew exactly who he was going to say. Not many people know how to pronounce our last name ;) haha so he says, "Rachel...." and I raise my hand and say, "Kiene!" haha so I spoke once again for everyone. It was funny because earlier he accidently called one of the elders 'sister' and the elder got up and said he had been called a lot of things as a missionary, but never called a woman. Then when I got up I said, "You know, I've only been her two weeks and I've already been called Elder twice!" (True statement) haha everyone laughed and then I proceeded to give my talk. I hope it went well, I was a little nervous but I definitely felt more confident than I have in the past. I know heavenly father has put me in specific situations for a reason. He knows my weaknesses, he knows my strengths. He knows how my strengths can help others that I’m around at this exact time. He also knows others strengths that can help strengthen MY weaknesses at this exact time. It's not easy, but I know I’m becoming a better person because of it. I know what I need to do to be better, but it's really learning how to apply my thoughts and turn them into action. It comes yat bouh yat bouh. Step by step. My love for the book of Mormon continues to grow. There is so much to learn from it and it brings me such happiness. I hope that I can find those that are prepared to accept this gospel. Those that will really understand what the book of Mormon can bring them, what the atonement can do for them personally. Well mom, thank you for the package! It came at the perfect timing! Literally! I was on 24's when I got it and I was going to have to use a mildewy towel. Boo-ya! Tell Sis. Heiner thank you! Thank you everyone else for your love, support, and prayers! I know that this gospel is true, that it really can change each of our lives, and also CONTINUE to change our lives. We all need to continually become better. Well I love you!! Happy birthday Mom!!
Kahm Ji Muih
PS I also had fungus toes...or athlete's foot :) but I’ve been putting the fungus stuff on them and I think it's almost gone. Oh yeah!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
mat yeh wah?


Wednesday, August 3, 2011 7:12 PM
Oh man I don't even know where to start!! It has been a crazy time here. Yes, hot and sweaty but that doesn't phase me much. We only have AC right when we go to sleep which I am SO grateful for, but besides that we just cook in our place. Whoever invented the fan should be blessed. I'm trying to think back to last last week we taught a lady Sis Pang from mainland and we taught her everyday, Thursday to Sunday and Sunday she was baptized and received the gift of the Holy Ghost! I always had a hard time understanding her but I understood enough to know that she had a testimony. The baptism went well (except the part when they could only fill the font up about 2 ft. Not even exaggerating!) She was baptized 3 times before she completely went under. 3rd times a charm ;). The language is hard. I'm understanding more and more but my speaking I feel isn't improving at all. Sometimes it's hard because I feel like others will speak for me when I struggle versus making me just do it on my own. Kind of like when I was little and would speak for Mike haha Karma!! Anyway, we have quite a few girls investigating but many of them are busy with school because they feel that takes precedence over everything, others can't be baptized yet because their parents won't give permission, etc. It's really sad when that happens. Especially when you know they are ready. So the last couple of days we have been doing finding! OH...finding is hilarious. It's hard but can be rewarding. We just smile and trying to talk to people walking the streets. The first time we went we couldn't find one person to listen to us. It was sad, but I understood slightly what the Savior went through. The people rejected him too. Yesterday we went finding again and we were able to teach a lesson and get quite a few phone numbers. As we were walking we approached a girl, about 16 years old, and before we could mutter a word she yells, Welcome!! She starts going off and who knows what, saying she's from Hong Kong, visited Taiwan for a little and said my Cantonese was great for only being there a week. (they all say that, they are so nice haha) she said she could help me learn Chinese and everything. so then we told her we were missionaries and told her about English class and EFY and she thought it was pretty cool. Then she started laughing and said, "I thought you were a tourist at first!" haha hou gau siu! so funny! Anyway, we were able to meet some really nice people and Ii hope that they will be open to listening to the message that we have.
So a few things about Hong Kong...everyone says the food is amazing (even if you don't like sea food) but I'm struggling a bit in that aspect. But it's ok, they have grocery stores with a good enough variety that I'll be ok. Maybe it's the area we are in or something but I’m not into much of the food. I’m always wanting fruit though haha another thing is the Chinese people believe that drinking cold water is unhealthy (something to do with your body temperature) so drinks are always hot. I asked for water at McDonald’s (yes--I went to McDonald’s yesterday haha so good) and she gave me the cup. Warm water! Not just luke warm, more like hot water haha it’s so funny. Anyway, it's been an adventure here but I’m continually pressing forward! today we are going to a Korean bbq which supposedly everyone loves so that will be fun! I think we cook our own meet at the table. hahaha well I love you all! I hope things are going well and that you are staying busy. I would ask one thing of anyone reading this: Please find a friend and share the gospel with them. Find someone prepared to listen to the message and then ask missionaries to help you teach them. There is so much power that comes from members of the church. Member referrals are so vital! So essential! And when they can come teach with the missionaries it is so powerful. All missionaries are doing their part but we need the members help too! Thanks for everything! I love you!! Oh ps, there is an elder here that is in my district, Elder Smith and we were all talking and he has a brother serving as AP in Montana!! hahahaha what are the odds. Pretty sure he picked Mike up at the airport. He's from Lehi, anyway, small world! Ok love you! Ga yauh!
Kahm Ji Muih aka Sister Piano
Thursday, July 28, 2011
jou sahn!
oh my goodness. i'm actually here. in some indonesian "cafe" writing you an email. it's so weird to think that i'm actually in hong kong haha sometimes i feel like i'm just in another state or something because it's pretty westernized, but other times i definitely feel like i'm in china. Some of the buildings where people live are very old. For some reason i thought everything wouldn't look too bad but the insides aren't too shabby. our apartment is really big. i was pretty shocked. supposedly it's one of the bigger ones but i don't know if we have AC so it's always blazing. We're only on the 10th floor. the flight over was pretty long and i didn't sleep much so yesterday when we got here we were complete zombies. it was pretty funny hahaha and since i was the only sister i slept in the mission president's apartment with their family (which happens to be in the hong kong temple). Now it's not everyday that you can say you've slept under a temple :) hahah it was really nice and President and Sister Chan are so great! All the missionaries have amazing cantonese (some of the white ones sound completely native it's crazy!) and it just motivates me to really get the language down. So my Trainer! Her name is Sister Chinison. She's from tahiti and she speaks fluent english, french, and cantonese. she's also chinese and grew up learning all those languages so she was only in the mtc for 3 or 4 weeks. She's really hard working and she will help me a lot i think. I told her that I want her to speak Cantonese with me a lot so that has been helpful. I can't remember what our area is called but we live far from where our proselyting area is. I haven't been to our area, only our apt so i don't know what it's like over but she says there are a lot of trees and mosquitos(no clue how to spell that one). Sweeett. i love trees and mosquits never bite me. It is pretty hot hear. The humidity just makes you drip but it's ok, i really don't mind it. I haven't done a whole lot these first two days....mostly orientation stuff but i did bare my testimony to a taxi driver on our way to the peak (which is sight where you can see over all of hong kong---so beautiful! the ap's took all the new missionaries) but people see our nametags and jolt. at least that's how i feel haha i guess i can say i've never felt so noticed before but it's a good thing. when we were waiting for a taxi to get to the peak, a lady was walking by in another line and i caught her smiling and reading my nametag. it sounded like she was speaking mandarin, but i asked her if she spoke cantonese and she just smiled and didn't respond. so then i yelled to the new mandarin elder so that he could go talk to her. he called out something in mandarin and she responded, but then she turned the corner and our taxi came up. i wanted to talk to her so badly, but she couldn't understand me. there are sooo many people that are ready to hear the gospel and we have to find them. It feels overwhelming sometimes because there are so many people, but as we learn to listen to the spirit, even when chaos is surrounding us, we will be lead to those people. I really feel that my faith will be tried here, especially this first part of my mission. I have so much to do, so much to learn, and so many people to help. and with faith i can do all those things.
tonight we have EEFY which is english especially for youth. we'll play games, teach english, and give a message. it should be way fun! then afterwards we are teaching pang ji muih---she's from mainland china but speaks cantonese. we are teaching her the first second and third lessons and then seeing if she can get baptized on sunday before she leaves back to mainland. my companion says she's ready. they already taught her the commandments too so we are just teaching the lessons in depth for her. i'm excited and hopefully i can do or say something that will help her increase her faith. we are also teaching an 11 year old girl tomorrow. I bet she's adorable and i can't wait! even though i don't know a lot i'm so excited to just dive into all of this. anyway, sorry this letter isn't too grand, i'm sure i will have many more stories and experiences to share next thursday. as for now, i will just press forward! I love you all!!
Kahm Ji Muih
ps Keep me in your prayers. I need a lot of help learning this language.
Monday, July 25, 2011
call tonight
i'll call you tonight! fun fun! ok love you bye!
kahm ji muih
Sister Rachel Kiene did call us from the airport. She is very excited to go to Hong Kong. She, like many who have gone before of her, is concerned she doesn't know enough Cantonese. But she has faith that the Lord will qualify her throught faith and hard work. She was very grateful for her native Hong Kong teacher and will miss her. Also, she will miss being with her missionary district from the MTC. She studied with two elders and had three other elders in her district. She said that they had grown close through their experiences in the MTC and she will miss seeing them everyday. (And beating them in 4 square...ha ha.)
If we are lucky she will call again from San Fransico later tonight, but for now this is the latest news.
Mama Kiene
Hong Kong here I come! (July 19,2011)
(Help I can't get this picture the right direction)
So it has been another crazy week! i feel like I say that ever letter but it's true. We just had a lot of struggles with the sisters in the branch and so I had to help out a lot. I have missed so much class and language study because of problems going on but that is what missionary work is about, helping people come unto christ. I know that my Cantonese isn't as good as it could have been or isn't as good as a lot of other missionaries but I'm learning to not worry about it. I'm doing what I can with the time I have. I think it will come a lot more in hong kong! I'm getting so excited to go! i was freaking out a few weeks ago because all the teachers say they are throwing us to the wolves hahaha but it's better to be prepared for what's coming versus having complete shock when i get there. It feels like i have been here for so long that I'm so ready to go! I just need a change. I love it here though. I love the missionaries in the other district, I love other missionaries going other places. you just meet some incredible people, but it's time to get to hong kong and "trash hong kong" with our spirit. haha a volunteer told our companionship to do that haha he's from hong kong. So funny story, there are a couple of hong kong missionaries here and I talk to them any chance i get! They think i'm crazy i'm sure but it's so funny and fun haha even though we can hardly understand each other because they are learning english and I'm learning cantonese. anyway, wu ji muih is stinking cute! i just want to take her back with me (along with my teacher lauh ji muih) and then the other elders (both elder chan) are really nice. Much quieter and don't know as much english. one Chan Jeung Louh has been a member only a year. So we see the Jeung Louh at the temple during our walk and they say hello ask us how we're doing and ask to take a pic with us (all in cantonese! i understood something!!) and we were all stoked and excited because usually i go up to them but they wanted a picture! this was definitely a step forward. so we all take a pic and while we are taking it i say, "Jisi!" which is cheese in cantonese! hahaha and Chan Jeung Louh (the more outgoing one) was laughing super hard. So the pic that is on my camera is of me laughing at him laughing at me haha then after they were telling us where they were serving, Australia and New York. Everyone was saying how awesome that was and then I said, "Yeah, well it's too bad we're going to the best mission..." and they just sat there probably translating in their head and then they started busting up laughing! haha then the Elder goes,"You so funny!!" hahaha it was hilarious and I just started laughing because i really wasn't trying to be that funny but they think everything i do is funny I guess. Then one of the Elders who's from the new district hardly new anything they were saying expect when they said how is your day? and he flew off the bench screaming, "I know that one!!" hahaha then when they told us they were going to leave he yells to them, "Ngoh ngoi leih!" which means I love you hahaha oh all of us were dying including the Hong Kong Elders.
Things have been going well. I'm really pushing myself this last week and I'm ready to head out. I don't even know what to expect but it will be great. one of the other teachers talked to me for a while after class on saturday and she gave me so much encouragement. She knows the language really well and she said she didn't know nearly half as much as we did before getting to HK. She's a singer too so she was able to relate to me in that sense. I have felt Satan work on me a lot these last few weeks in a lot of different aspects because he doesn't want me to believe in myself, he doesn't want me to do God's work. I have just been praying to have more peace, patience, love, and confidence/faith. I want to have unwavering faith when I search for the souls ready to hear the gospel. Everyone deserves the happiness I have been given and I can't wait to see lives change because of it! Thank you everyone for your letters of encouragement and updates! it's so great hearing from everyone! I said bye to Mike last night but it was a good goodbye! we're both just ready to go out and serve. Sounds like HP was great too. I'll have to watch it in a couple years. Just so everyone knows, the mailroom closes early on Saturday and is not open monday! I leave monday night so any dear elders will need to be sent by friday and other letters will need to get here by friday so that I can get them. or you can just send them to Hong kong. my address should be on the blog. Ok, thanks for everything and I love you all!
Kahm Ji Muih
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
hou faai
So the weeks are just starting to blur together. I have a hard time figure out what actually happened this week and everything. But I know I've been learning a lot personally. I have been learning and relearning so many valuable principles but what I lack at times is REALLY applying them. I know I must have faith, but what do I REALLY need to do to exercise it as best as I can? My district is getting ready to head out soon. TWO weeks?! So crazy. We are trying to speak even more Cantonese but sometimes it's hard especially because of our callings and many missionaries that need help. but we're trying. Today is my Cantonese day and I haven't spoken English yet. you can ask Mike haha I helped him in the laundry room just an hour ago. but I could only speak Cantonese. So funny haha he's doing ok, I think the sickness is wearing on him a bit so just keep praying for him. FAMILY---Thank you so much for the packages and letters this week! Besides Kait helping with the packages, I only got things from you and it made the week so much better! Lisa did send music which was so nice too! We have an entire closet devoted to food because we get so much. One of my roommate’s grandmas sent all of Costco over! It's so funny. Anyway, we are trying to share it as best as we can and then eat the rest :) hahaha This week I focused a lot on studying the resurrection because I gave the lesson in district meeting and my love for the Savior and his atonement has grown so much. I feel often times we look over the resurrection when talking about the atonement, but without it there would be no purpose for Christ's suffering. (John 11:25-26) It's so simple, follow and believe in Christ and we will receive the greatest gift, eternal life. Like I've said before, I wish I could just put my feelings in a box and send it home for you to feel as well, because it's hard to describe everything and when you experience so much every day you forget all that you want to write about. But just know that I'm doing well. It's been challenging in several ways and it's just going to get harder once I'm in Hong Kong, but I know that the joy and happiness I feel will help me overcome the challenges. I LOVE my teacher Lauh Ji Muih. She's so precious and patient and we laugh SO much together. I wish I could take her with me. She's a native and she makes me love the people so much more. I met two missionaries from Hong Kong and I always talk to them. The elder doesn't speak very good English and he doesn't understand my Cantonese very well either (fabulous). But the sister and I communicate really well! She's so stinking cute! I always feel comfortable talking to her and hopefully they will prep me for Hong Kong a little bit so I won't be AS shocked once I'm there :). I'm no where near what I thought I would be language wise and preparation wise but I know that it will come. Once again, thank you for everything! Gaa yauh!
Kahm Ji Muih
ps Mom--I will send stuff home next Tuesday. my comp in Hong Kong, Sis Bishop says to try to not have a lot of stuff so I'm trying to simplify but I'll just specify what I want to stay home and what can be sent to Hong Kong. Sorry I didn't get the clothes till after you had left for home. Anyway, thanks a bunch! Oh and the other district hears about you sending stuff to missionaries so they may want a little treat. But there are 10 elders so I don't know. And an elder, Elder Todd who's going to Thailand does too but he's just crazy so don't worry about him. ha-ha anyway, thanks again for everything! Talk to you soon.
Kahm Ji Muih
ps Mom--I will send stuff home next Tuesday. my comp in Hong Kong, Sis Bishop says to try to not have a lot of stuff so I'm trying to simplify but I'll just specify what I want to stay home and what can be sent to Hong Kong. Sorry I didn't get the clothes till after you had left for home. Anyway, thanks a bunch! Oh and the other district hears about you sending stuff to missionaries so they may want a little treat. But there are 10 elders so I don't know. And an elder, Elder Todd who's going to Thailand does too but he's just crazy so don't worry about him. ha-ha anyway, thanks again for everything! Talk to you soon.
Friday, July 8, 2011
So, it's been a crazy week but a good one! It has been fun seeing Elder Kiene (or Kahm Jeung Louh hahaha) and our schedules are actually pretty opposite but we have gym right after eachother and we always seem to find eachother at things. On Sat we had a special 4th fireside and it was so cool! then afterwards we got icecream and watched the stadium of fire fireworks! mike found me when we were getting ice cream and we all ran to find a nice spot to watch together! saturday was a great day. I was SYLing a lot and we taught well and then I got t spend the evening watching fireworks with my bro and fellow missionaries! Earlier in the week it was a bit crazy. We have been trying to help the new district really understand the importance of using time (especially personal study time) well and really understanding their purpose as a missionary. not just the purpose that's stated in PMG, but something even on a more personal level for that individual. I think it will take time for them but hopefully what we shared with them will encourage them to seek that and find the motivation to be better. I have been learning a lot about patience and love too. I feel that as I continue to pray for it, God gives me more opportunities to use that patience. Funny how that works hahaha, usually we think that we'll just be given this power to be able to handle situations but God wants to stretch us and push us so he'll give us the experience and let us choose to act in whatever way we want. It's good though. It's helping me learn to just accept and love people for who they are. You can't change anyone but yourself. YOu can influence, but that's a bit different. I feel that as I learn to love people for them, my perspective continues to increase. I'll just say, prayer is my best friend out here. It's crazy how often we pray but it's really neat too. We, as a district, decided to tell eachother a weakness we have or something that we are trying to work on and ask to prayer for eachother. I think it has really helped us bond as we understand that each of us has a specific need and can only receive help through God. Something that I really noticed this week is my increased love for the book of mormon. I just love personal study time and i feel like there is never enough time because i'm just thriving on everything that i'm reading. i feel like my focus is so much stronger than ever before and i'm constantly tieing things together from all that i learn. the scriptures are amazing! I know that as we really feast on the words we will continue to be nourished spiritually. I'm reading in Alma right now about the anti-nephi-lehi's and how they barried their weapons of rebellion and war. First, I thought of how each of us have our own weapons of rebellion and it will take a lot of sacrifice, but when we commit to barrying them, we will find so much more joy and see miracles happen in our lives. Then i continued to read about how the lamanites came to fight and they said they wouldn't break that commitment with God so they didn't fight back. Many were killed, HOWEVER because of their example, some of the lamanites were converted to the gospel. It's crazy because we would think, why would God let those men die in the first place? Well I know that God has a specific plan for everyone. God knows what needs to be done in order for his children to accept the gospel and strive to return back to them. That was just a neat example to me of how keeping our covenants and commitments can not only help us individually but others as well. Well I gotta run! But I love you all! Mike told me about the cupcake story with TY! so cute! tell me more fun stories like that! send pics and everything too! you are all wonderful and it was pretty cool that we were watching the same fireworks on saturday ;) hahaha ok well travel safely, thanks for the updates and keep pressing forward with FAITH! Oh and I can read a couple of scriptures written in characters! oh yeah baby! ok, peace and blessings!
Kahm Ji Muih
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